Mr. Guy’s Birthday

Today is Mr. Guy’s birthday.  That means that today he got to do lots of special stuff.  The Lady gave him some presents to open this morning.  They went out to lunch because his computer gave him lots of pieces of paper that he said would turn into free food because it is his birthday.  I guess on your birthday you get magical powers that turn paper into food.  The Lady made him some special flavored popcorn and Offspring No. 1 made him a blackberry pie.  Tonight we went out to dinner with our friends Mr. Jim, and Mr. Sepherson.  The restaurant gave Mr. Guy a free piece of cocnut pie even though he did not have any magic paper with him.  He shared his pie with me, maybe so that I could practice  eating for my birthday that is next week.   I hope that I get magic paper on my birthday too!   I would like some of my magic paper to turn into t-shirts instead of all food!

I learned today why people get bigger as they grow up.  It’s easy.  On your birthday you get lots and lots of food and that makes you grow bigger and bigger!  I want to have lots of birthdays so that I will grow up to be a great big blue and orange furry monster!

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