It’s May Day

May I wish you all a Happy May Day?!

May is my favorite month of the year because it is the month when The Lady takes a picture of me every single day and I write something here every single day.  Also, when it is May, I know that school is almost over and summer break is about to begin.  But, some things are different about this May.

For the last couple years, on May 1st, Mr. Guy and The Lady have taken me shopping for a few new t-shirts for my May blog posts.  Remember, I like to collect t-shirts.  This year, though, we are not going to do that because of that corona virus thing and social distant singing.  Mr. Guy told me that if we went shopping, I would have to wear a mask and do social distant singing..  Hmm…Mr. Guy doesn’t sing and I don’t sing…even distantly!  And, a mask?  It is not even Halloween.  And come to think of it, I don’t even wear a mask a Halloween.  I trick or treat dressed like the furry little blue and orange monster that I am and say “thank you” to all of the people who say to me, “Cute costume!”  Singing and masks made shopping sound like a theatre production.  I wasn’t sure I wanted any part of that.

Then I started thinking, maybe it would be fun to wear a mask now since I don’t wear one any other time…as long as I didn’t have to do social distant singing too.  Mr. Guy told meThat I definitely did not have to sing.  He also said that he didn’t think that I would like wearing a mask, but he would let me try one on.  The Lady made two different kinds of masks.  Some have elastic and some have ties.  Well, I could only try on the tie kind because the elastic kind have to hook on to your hears…and I don’t have any hears.  I only have horns.  If I hook the elastic on my horns, the mask covers my eyes.  I asked Mr. Guy if he could cut holes in the elastic mask like they do for the masks at Halloween.  He told me that cutting holes in the mask would mean that germs could climb in and out of the holes and that is what we didn’t want to happen.  So it is a tie mask for me.

I think we look like we are dressed up like happy bank robbers!

All that to say that I did not get any new shirts today.

I looked through my closet and found one that I think is perfect.  I am sad that I didn’t get to go shopping, but I have lots of other things to be thankful for.  I am thankful that I live with Mr. Guy and The Lady.  I am thankful that we are all healthy and that we have have masks to keep us healthy if we have to go shopping for stuff that is more important than new shirts for me.  I am thankful that it makes me happy to look at all the shirts I have and remember that I got them when I visited some really cool places.  I also had some big smiles remembering special friends who have given me shirts as gifts.  I’m sure glad that I don’t grow much and my shirts keep fitting me!

Since we couldn’t go anywhere special, Mr. Guy, The Lady, and I took a walk around our yard and looked for blue and orange flowers because blue and orange are my favorites!  I found some!

Even though today was not the day I had hoped for, I still have lots of things to be thankful for.

And now I am going to go eat tacos for dinner and be thankful some more!