Summertime and The Understanding Isn’t Easy!

Apparently today is the first day of summer, which confuses me a lot.  Back in May, May 12th to be exact, The Lady told me that she was officially on summer vacation.  To me that meant it must be summertime.  But if today is the first day of summer then obviously it was not summertime on May 12th.  Today, when The Lady was trying to explain all of this to me, she said that it was actually still spring back in May.  Oh!  So it was really spring vacation that started back in May.  She said, “No.  Not really.  Spring vacation was the week I had off in March.”  So I asked her when spring started.  She told me that the first day of spring was March 20th.  Hmm…looking back, she had her week off March 13-19.  That was before March 20th.  It wasn’t spring then; that was still winter.  Shouldn’t that have been called winter vacation?  Again she said, “No.  Winter vacation was in December and January, around Christmas.”  I was just getting more and more confused.  I had to ask The Lady when winter actually started.  She said that the first day of winter was December 21st.  I think that her first day of vacation was before then, but this is all too much for this little blue and orange furry monster to get straight.  Maybe from May 12th until today The Lady was just practicing for summer vacation.  All I really know is that everyone says that today is the first day of summer.  I am going to believe them.  You would think that as many falls, winters, springs, and summers that The Lady has seen and for as many years as she went to school, she would know exactly what season to call her vacations by now!  Apparently not.

The first day of summer is a special day because it is the day that we have the most sunlight and the least dark.  That means that there is more time today that people and little monsters can get sunburned.  The Lady has to be very careful that the sun doesn’t burn her skin.  If it does, she turns pink, or maybe red depending how long the sun cooks her.  I’ve never seen her turn pink or red, but she told me that it has happened before.  She doesn’t stay outside in the sun very long and when she is outside, she wears a hat and sunglasses and shirts with long sleeves.  Or sometimes, she puts this white icing stuff all over her.  She says that this is to keep the sun from baking her and turning her pink.  It seems strange that you would put icing on something someone before they are baked.  I will trust her on this, but not on the vacation names! 

Mr. Guy and The Lady got me a hat and sunglasses so that my monster head and eyes don’t get cooked by the sun.  I certainly don’t want my horns to get baked!  They might turn brown or black.  That’s what happens to stuff that The Lady bakes in the oven too long.  I don’t know if The Lady has any icing to keep my horns from turning icky colors.  I think I’d rather wear the hat.

My shirts have short sleeves.  The Lady said that she thought that all of my blue and orange fur would keep the sun from baking my arms.  I hope so because if the sun cooks me like it does The Lady, my fur will turn purple!  The Lady is white.  The sun makes her red.  Red and white mixed together make pink.  I’m blue (with some orange).  If the sun makes some of me red, blue and red mixed together make purple.  My orange would just turn a different color of orange, I think, maybe like the crayon color that is called red-orange.  I would become a furry little purple and red-orange monster.  I wouldn’t like that.  I like being blue!  I really don’t want to turn purple.  And I don’t want to use The Lady’s white icing stuff to keep me from turning purple.  Iced blue fur just sounds very yucky!  I think that I will just not go outside too much during the time when the sun might cook me.  That solves all of my problems, and The Lady’s too.

Oh…Mr. Guy used to teach Spanish and he teaches me how to speak Spanish because where I live here in Texas, lots of people speak Spanish.  I want to be able to talk with the people I meet.  I think it’s cool to be able to speak in two languages!  I like my new shirt that says hello in Spanish.  The Lady doesn’t speak Spanish very well (but she does know the word hola).  She speaks French pretty well, though; Mr. Guy and I don’t know French at all.  If I learn more Spanish with Mr. Guy, we can talk about all of the brown and black stuff that The Lady makes by cooking things too long in the oven and then tries to hide it with some kind of icing stuff.  Since she can’t understand Mr. Guy and me when we talk in Spanish, we won’t hurt her feelings when we say it doesn’t look or taste good.

Happy real first day of summer!

A Month of Me – Day 29

Mr. Guy is home again tomorrow! Yay! He tells me that it is a holiday called Memorial Day. It is the day we remember all the people who have died in wars fighting to protect our country and our freedom. 
I don’t like the idea of fighting and dying. But Mr Guy says sometimes bad people attack people and the people attacked have to fight to defend themselves. And sometimes people die fighting. I think it would be better if we all just lived peacefully. But I understand what Mr Guy means. I know I would fight if someone attacked The Lady, Mr Guy, Offspring 1 or Offspring 2. 
The Lady and Mr Guy took me to Liberty Plaza today. Liberty Plaza is a big park that is near where we live. 
It is a place to created especially to remember all those people who died, or who fought and did not die, protecting our country’s freedom. Mr Guy told me there are people still serving and fighting in places all over the world. We should always remember them too and keep them in our prayers. 
Liberty Plaza is a pretty  place. There is a big American flag… 

and a couple of special statues. 
One of the statues made me a little sad.  My eyes got blurry because of the rain on the outside and maybe a little because of rain that was coming from my eyes.
The statue was of a little boy holding and American flag perfectly folded in a triangle with the stars on the outside.  I recognized that flag.  When The Captain died, The Lady got a flag just like that so I knew that it meant that that little boy’s father or mother was killed in a war.  
We have two folded flags at our house – The Captain’s and Mr. Guy’s father’s.  I’m glad that we have them.  They remind me every day to say a special prayer for all of our armed services men and women.
The other statue is of a veteran from World War I.
He has poppies in his hand.   These help him to remember all of his comrades with whom he served, but did not come home.  When we got home, The Lady and Mr. Guy read this poem to me; it tells the story of the poppies.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly.
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

– Colonel John McCrae

That is a lot for a little blue and orange furry monster to think about.

Mostly Liberty Plaza is a quiet place where we can go to think about and say “thank you” to all those people who have given  their lives in the service of our country. 

It was raining today, so we did not get to spend much time just sitting, but I’m glad that we went.

A Month of Me – Day 11

Today was another busy day for The Lady and Mr Guy. Like every weekday, they left early to go to school. Mr. Guy surprised me and the four legged monsters by coming home in the middle of the day. I think he was skipping school!  He wasn’t here very long. He came home to let the four legged monsters outside for a few minutes because The Lady was giving tests and couldn’t come home as early as she usually does. Mr. Guy hurried back to school so that he would not get in trouble for skipping school.  He might have to go to the principal’s office or something.

At almost dinner time,  The Lady came home. When Mr Guy came home a little later then  they left again to get dinner.  The four-legged monsters and I just popped open a can of something.  They were both too tired to cook and The Lady had to go to choir re-her-sal. I did not know what that meant. The Lady said she likes to sing. She sings with a group of people at church called the choir. On Wednesdays they practice so they will sound good when they sing on Sunday mornings. I don’t think I have ever heard The Lady sing. Someday I will get to maybe.

While the Lady was at rehearsal, Mr Guy came home because Offspring No.1 is not home and Mr. Guy did not want to leave me and the four legged monsters home alone for even more hours. We all watched TV, something we don’t do very often. The Mr. Guy went to get The Lady. When they came home we watched even more TV.  I saw all kinds of stuff about rain and thunder and lightening and hail.  It was scary.  The TV made me sad, too.  The Dallas Stars lost their hockey game so they won’t get a cup.  They are all going to be very thirsty!  I don’t think I like watching TV.  

I am going to bed now because if the people on TV are telling the truth, I may be waked up in the middle of the night by bad storms.

A Month of Me – Day 10

This whole hat thing is getting to be serious business!  I told Mr. Guy that I want to wear hats like he does.  He told me that there are different kinds of hats for different occasions.  The other night he was telling me about sun hats.  Really I think they should be called no-sun hats.  He said that he wears different hats in the winter because he doesn’t have any fur to keep his head warm.  I don’t have that problem.  

Tonight I tried on one of his summer hats.  Mr. Guy wears this one to keep the sun from baking his head and turning it red.  I just wanted to try it on.  I like this one a little bit because it fits over my horns.  But, it is the wrong color blue for my fur, don’t you think?  The Lady said something like it crashes with my fur colors.  I don’t think that it looks so bad that people will think that I look like a crash, but I don’t think that I want a hat like this one.  Well, at least not in this color.  The Lady told me that it is going to be hard to find a hat that doesn’t crash and that fits over my horns.  She said that I might have to make some compromises.  Compromises?

Hmmm…The Lady tried to explain compromises to me.  I think it means something like I am probably not going to find the perfect hat I so I should learn to be happy with something close.  Maybe I can do that.  I just don’t want cramped horns or a hat that crashes.

Oh!!!  I just learned about another kind of hat.  Rain hats!  There is lots of rain and thunder and lightening at my house right now.  Mr. Guy went outside to check on stuff.  He told me to stay inside so I didn’t get wet.  If I had a  rain hat, it would keep my fur all nice and dry.  The Lady said that lots of times rain hats are yellow.  Do you think that a yellow hat would crash with my fur???