A Month of Me – Day 9

Mr. Guy and The Lady have been very busy today.  Mr. Guy said that he spent all day giving a star test.  I didn’t know that he was teaching theater!  I wonder what kind of star he was looking for.  Was it boy star or a girl star?  Could a blue and orange furry monster pass the star test?  I want to be a star like Nicky that I met from Avenue Q!  Mr. Guy said that it was not that kind of test.  Well, that makes me sad.

So then he must testing people on all the stars in the sky.  That would be a hard test!  All those little yellow dots look just the same to me yet they all have funny names.  And why do people need to be tested on all those names anyway?  I have enough trouble remembering the names of all my friends and they all look different and most of them have easy names.   The hard part is remembering which name goes with which face.  Mr. Guy said that he was not giving a test on stars in the sky.

Well then, it must be a test about hockey.  I know that the Dallas Stars play hockey.  I think its kind of strange that Mr. Guy would give a test about The Stars.  He doesn’t know anything about hockey!  I don’t think that he could pass a test about The Dallas Stars.  I know that they are playing a bunch of important games against the ST. Louis Blues so that they can win a cup.  I don’t know what the big deal is about winning a cup.  There will be a lot of germs if all of the Dallas Stars have to drink out of the same cup.  My friend, Mr. Jim, went to see the Stars play hockey on Saturday.  Maybe I can get a Dallas Stars t-shirt and look like I might be able to pass Mr. Guy’s test about the Stars.

What?  Not these Stars either?

I give up!  What kind of stars is his test about?

Mr. Guy said that the test is “The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness.”  For several days that hold everyone at school hostage in a room and make them take this STAAR test.  It sounds like something that a furry blue and orange monster would not like at all!  And, the people giving this test must be kind of like if Mr. Guy was giving the hockey test…how can they be giving a star test when they don’t even know how to spell the word “star”?  Star is not S-T-A-A-R!  it only has one “a” if it is spelled correctly!  Oh well.  I don’t have to worry about this test.  Thank goodness!

Mr. Guy said that his brain was tired so he and I read the news, played a few games, and shopped online.  

I am still looking for the perfect hat.  We looked, but we did not find one.

I wanted to look for some new shirts, but Mr. guy was looking at soap.  His brain really must be tired!    He was so tired that he let me push the buttons on his computer.

The Lady said that she is giving tests this week too, but hers do not have incorrectly spelled names and she does not get locked up in a room every day.  I think if I ever have to take a test, I want to take the kind that The Lady gives instead of The kind that Mr. Guy gives.

Even though they were both tired, they found time to play with me, hold me, and help me write my blog post.  That makes me a happy little monster!

A Month of Me – Day 2

This little monster had a big surprise today!  When Mr. Guy and The Lady got home from school, they said that they needed to go to the store to get a few things and that I could go.  I asked if this store would be a disappointment like the stores in the airport last week.  Mr. Guy said he was sure that they would have the things that were on his shopping list and that they might even have a shirt for me.  He promised me that we could look.  This trip was sounding pretty good now.

We went to Target.

Mr. Guy always carries me when we go places.  I asked him if he feels silly carrying a blue and orange furry monster into public places and he said, “Nope.”  I’m glad because if he felt silly, I would never get to go anywhere and that would be boring and I would never get any new shirts!

When we got inside the store, I got to ride in a big red monster mobile.  It was fun!  Mr. Guy and The Lady drove me around, kind of like the pilot does on the airplane, but with the red monster mobile our wheels stayed on the ground.  This store had all kinds of things for me to look at.  They even had a place especially for taking pictures of little monsters!

This is the Target dog.  It kind of looks like the dogs at our house except this one didn’t have any fur.

Right around the corner from the picture spot were the little monster sized shirts.  As Mr. Guy steered my monster mobile, I could see lots and lots of blue and orange shirts!!  Yep.  No more Big D for this little monster!  Mr. Guy helped me find shirts in my size.

He and The Lady said that I could get more than one new shirt since I am going to have lots of pictures taken this month.  The Lady said that it was easier to buy me a few new shirts than to have to wash my old one’s all the time for my pictures.  This sounded like a good plan to me.  There were some shirts that had my favorite colors, but I didn’t quite understand the picture on the shirt.  Mr. Guy tried to explain it to me, but I still didn’t understand.  

After I picked out my shirts, we went to some other places in the store.  We passed a section of crazy looking contraptions.  The Lady told me that they were for human babies.  To me they looked like they would turn babies into robots or something.

I’m sure glad that Mr. Guy will hold me and carry me and not put me in one of these baby robot makers.  I guess they could maybe be fun, but I am a monster who likes to cuddle and neither Mr. Guy or The Lady would fit in one of these things with me!

One of the reasons that Mr. Guy wanted to come to Target was to get some beard wash.  Beard wash???  
He said that it keeps his fur neat and clean.  I wondered if I needed beard wash since I have lots of fur.  I don’t really have a beard.  Well, maybe I do, but it is all over my body!  Mr. Guy only has fur on his chin.  He doesn’t even have fur on his head!  I think I have more fur than he does, but I didn’t get any beard wash or fur wash.  I hope my fur looks neat and clean!

Then we shopped for a few more things that seemed boring to a little blue and orange furry monster.  I just looked around at all the people while Mr. Guy and the Lady filled the cargo compartment of my monster mobile.  I found lots of people to smile and wave at.  We even saw one of Mr. Guy’s students from his school.

After we paid for my cool new shirts and Mr. Guy and The Lady’s boring other stuff, we went for a treat.  Mr. Guy took us to get frozen yogurt.  The Lady is counting her calories. I don’t know exactly what that means, but she said that she was only having a tiny bit of yogurt with nothing special on it.  Mr. Guy said that she was going to have boring yogurt and that he and I would share.  I was so excited to see that they had blue and orange yogurt!!  Mr. Guy said I could have both of them!  And, he let me get blue and orange dots to put on it.  It was tasty.  I hope that I didn’t get any in my beard.  I mean my fur.  Mr. Guy didn’t offer to share his beard wash with me.

Maybe tomorrow The Lady will take a picture of me in one of my new shirts.

I am certainly enjoying this month of me May!