Maker, Fixer, and Friend

I am working hard on my 100 People Project!

Mr. Paul came to our house today.  Actually, Mr. Paul comes to our house lots of days.  He makes stuff and fixes all the stuff that Mr. Guy and The Lady break.

Mr. Guy and The Lady have known Mr. Paul longer than they have known me!  Mr. Paul remodeled their house before they knew they were going have a little blue and orange furry monster.  He tore down walls and built new ones.  The Lady said that this was a good thing because some of the walls were kind of ugly pink.  I’m happy that Mr. Paul got rid of them and made blue walls for us!  He also made our kitchen.  Mr. Paul also built all of our cabinets.  He made showers and closets and tile floors and new lights.  And, he is the one who built all of the shelves in our new library.  I think that Mr. Paul can build anything!

He can also fix almost anything.  Today Mr. Paul came to our house because he fixed a wall hanging that The Lady knocked off the wall and broke.  If I had done that, I probably would have gotten in trouble!  Now I know that Mr. Paul’s phone number is on our white board.  If I break anything, I will call him and I bet he can fix it before The Lady even notices that it is broken.  Mr. Paul also hangs all of the pictures on the wall for The Lady.  He does a much better job than she does.  Mr. Paul uses this metal strip with lots of numbers on it to tell him where the pictures should go.  He said it is called a tape measure, but it doesn’t measure tape.  It measures the wall where pictures go.  Maybe it should be called a wall measure or a picture measure.   I have never seen The Lady use anything like this, whatever you want to call it, when she puts stuff on the wall.  She just bangs a nail in the wall and hopes that it is in the right place.  Most of the time its not.  That’s probably why the wall hanging that Mr. Paul fixed fell off of the wall in the first place…The Lady is the one who put it on the wall.

Mr. Paul also comes and monster sits with me, the feline, and the canine monsters when Mr. Guy and The Lady are gone for a long time.  He takes good care of all of us!

When Mr. Paul is not making us new stuff or fixing our broken stuff, he makes cars.  Not the kind of cars that people and monsters ride in to go places…he makes little cars that people collect.  Mr. Paul is known by people all over the world because of the little cars that he makes.

I’m happy that Mr. Paul can make stuff and fix stuff for us, but more importantly, I am thankful that he is our friend.  Thank you Mr. Paul for everything.  I will try to keep Mr. Guy and The Lady from breaking things so you can have a rest!

Oh…thanks for wearing that bright orange shirt so that you would match me today!

A Month of Me: Day 15 – Time, More or Less

The Lady’s picture taking assignment today was to photograph timeless.  I thought that this was the perfect prompt for her because she is always timeless; she never has enough time for all of the things that she needs and wants to do.  That makes her timeless, right?  Just like a monster without horns is hornless and a monster without a t-shirt is t-shirtless and a Mr. Guy without a blue and orange furry monster is monsterless.  Mr. Guy explained that that was not quite right.  Timeless,  he said,  is something that is not affected by the passage of time.  Hmm…that is not The Lady then; she is very affected by the passage of time.  She gets frustrated and grouchy when time passes too quickly and she still has work to get done.

I know that there are machines that tell you about your time.  Mr. Guy wears a little one of these on his arm.  As the day goes on, his time gets bigger.  His arm machine must collect time for him.  The Lady doesn’t have one of those machines.  That must be why she never has any time.  She doesn’t have a machine to collect it for her.  Again Mr. Guy said that that is not quite how time works.

Mr. Guy told me that everyone has exactly the same amount of time every day – 24 hours or 1440 minutes, or 86, 400 seconds.  He said that days feel long or short depending on what you are doing or not doing.  Sometimes there really is not enough time in a day to accomplish everything that you want to do.  But sometimes, it just feels that way because people waste their time.  They don’t use it for important or meaningful things.  The time machines like Mr. Guy has are called wrist watches.  I guess this is because you have to watch your wrist to see how the time is moving.  Mr. Guy told me that a wrist watch is a kind of clock and that there are lots of other kinds too.  They can be big or small, inside or outside, on the wall or on the floor.  We looked at all of the clocks at our house.  I was surprised by how many we have.  We definitely are not timeless!!! 

We have a great big clock in our dining room.  It is called a grandfather clock.  We don’t have a grandmother clock or a grandchild clock.  I wonder if the grandfather clock gets lonely just sitting in the corner all day every day just counting the seconds, minutes, and hours .  That clock has been at our house for a long time, longer than me and also longer than The Lady.  It’s been here since Mr. Guy was a little monster like me.  Mr. Guy said that our grandfather clock was given to his father by his grandmother…that is all very confusing!  Why is it not a grandmother clock, then?  Or maybe a grandchild clock since Mr. Guy is the grandchild and now the clock is his?  Oh well, I guess it doesn’t really matter what you call it.  All I know is that it is a great big clock and I like to watch how it counts the time by swinging its pendulum back and forth.

Right now, the grandfather clock and The Lady are telling me that it is past my bedtime.

Good night!