A Month of Me: May 5 – Give Me Five

The Lady’s picture taking word for today was “five.”  Since she is taking a picture of me every single day this month because it A Month of Me…Me, Blueper B, I tried to help her think of something fun we could do together today.  I discovered that five is a very hard number for little blue and orange furry monsters.  I have one head and one mouth and one tongue and one  orange belly, I have two eyes and two horns and two teeths and two arms.  I have four claws on each of my two arms. 

I have one Mr. Guy and one The Lady.  I have one Offspring One and one Offspring Two. Well, technically, they are The Lady’s offsprings. Anyway, that makes Two Offsprings.  I live with two canine furry monsters and one feline furry monster 

 I don’t have five of anything!

The Lady and I thought some more.

The Lady got excited when she remembered a game called Yahtzee.  She said it would be perfect for today’s picture taking because it has lots of fives.  I asked her what kind of fives.  She told me that it is a game that is played with five dies.


This sounded worse than the wreck center to me.  I got very upset and told The Lady that I did not want to play her game!  She seemed surprised since I usually like to play games with her.  She asked me why I did not want to learn to play a new game.  She said that it was a game that she loved to play when she was very young and she thought that I would like it too.  I told her that she was wrong!  I did not want to play any game that meant that five humans or monsters would have to die.  The Lady starting laughing at me.  That made me mad and sad at the same time.  She said, “Not five dies, five dice.  D-I-C-E, not D-I-E-S!”   Well, I’m glad she didn’t mean five dies, but I had no idea what d-i-c-e were.

The Lady found the box with the game and showed me the things called dice.  To me, they looked kind of like square ladybugs without any antennas.  These dice things had black dots all over them.  The lady showed me that each one had six sides.  Each of the six sides had a different number of dots from one to six.  I bet that is so you can tell how old each square ladybug is.  Hmmm…I thought we were looking for fives.  Oh wait, there are five dice.  

The Lady explained that playing Yahtzee would help me to learn to count and to add and to multiply because I would have to count all of those dots of the ladybugs dies dice.  We went over the rules and then started to play the game.  The Lady said that we would stop and take a picture when I dumped the dice out of the cup and we could see lots of dice with five dots.

I think that I like this game especially because I get to play with The Lady.  Mr. Guy doesn’t;t like to play games, so Yahtzee will be something special that The Lady and I can do together.  Mr. Guy will keep reading stories to me.  I don’t have to count the letters or words or pages in the books when we read together, but he does make me read the words sometimes.

I had fun and I learned new things today.  It makes me happy to  be able to help The Lady with her projects!

A Month of Me – Day 16

I think that The Lady and I may be in trouble with Mr. Guy.  Today was The Lady’s first day of vacation.  This day was way different than any day we have had in a long time!  First of all, The Lady was home all day.  I can’t remember the last time that happened.  I think because we were home all day Mr. Guy thought we might do some laundry and clean up some.  I have lots of t-shirts that need to be washed and put back on hangers.  There is monster fur on the floor that needed to be vacuumed.   The refrigerator needs to be cleaned out.  There may be some things in there that are orange and blue that aren’t really supposed to be those colors.  We need to get rid of them.  We could have done any or all of these things today, but we didn’t.  The Lady and I had a real vacation day!  We took a nap and The Lady showed me how to play games on her iPad.  That was lots of fun!  But it was kind of strange.  We had just finished lunch and we started to play the games.  I looked at the clock ten minutes later and it was time for Mr. Guy to come home from school.  I don’t know what those games do to the clock!  It happened again tonight.  We finished dinner and ten minutes later it was midnight. The Lady said she doesn’t understand what the games do to the clock either.  Maybe we’ll have to play again tomorrow to see if we can figure it out!

Mr. Guy snuck up behind us and took our picture.  I think that was during some of the time that disappeared while we were playing!  Boy were we busy!!!