A Month of Me – Day 7

Today was much better than yesterday!  Mr. Guy and The Lady did not have to go anywhere until this evening.  We spent all morning sitting on the patio drinking coffee and watching the birds and the squirrels.  Some of those squirrels have as much fur as I do!  None of us needed fur today because it was eighty-five degrees at our house.  I was hot!  I told Mr. Guy that maybe he should take me to the fur cutting shop so that I won’t get so hot when summer really gets here.  He said that he didn’t that that was a good idea because my fur protects me from the sun.  If I got my fur cut off I would have to put sun cream all over me like The Lady does or I will become a red monster instead of a blue and orange monster.  I wouldn’t like that.  I would like to have a hat to protect me from the sun like Mr. Guy has, but my horns make it hard for me to find a hat that fits.  I guess I will just keep my fur.  

Since we were spending the day outside, I put on my “Dirt Shirt” that Ms. Michele gave me when we visited her in Delaware.  It is one of my favorite shirts!  Every time I wear it, I remember our visits.

This afternoon we checked on all of the plants and flowers in our yard.  I didn’t know that we had so many.  It felt like we were at the park.  Lots of our flowers are blue and orange! 

 It makes me happy to look around and see my favorite colors everywhere!  Blue and orange make The Lady happy too.

We also planted a new bluish purple flower.  One of The Lady’s students gave it to her.

Mr. Guy said that it needed to go in our butter flies garden.  I was confused.  I didn’t know that butter could fly!  The Lady had lots of butter out last night while she was making all that bread.  It didn’t fly.  It stayed right on the counter where she put it until it was time to go in the big whirly machine.  Maybe that’s when it flies.  The whirly machine makes it go round and round.  The Lady explained that we were not talking about flying butter, but insects that are called butterflies.  She said that they have pretty colors on their wings and that some of them are even blue and orange.  I hope that these butterfly things like our flowers and will come stay in our garden.  I would like to see one of them.

Mr. Guy picked me up to show me a pretty white flower.  I can’t remember its name…something about magazines and oil, I think.

It is on a big bush.  Mr. Guy also showed me all the baby flowers that have not been born yet.  He said that in a few days they will be born and the bush will have lots more of these pretty white flowers all over it.

After we were done investigating the garden, Mr. Guy and I had to rest!  Playing in the dirt is hard work!

A Month of Me – Day 5

Oh, wow!  The Lady took me for a ride on her Krazy Kruiser tonight.  I thought this might be like the enjoyable ride I had in the red monster mobile the other night at Target, but no!  Tonight’s ride was very crazy!  The Lady made this thing roll by moving side to side.  I’m not exactly sure how that worked to make us roll, but it did.  Even time she went side to side, so did I.  I did not like it!  It was hard for this little monster to hand on.  I was afraid that I might fall off and The Krazy Lady might roll over me on her Kruiser.  I mean, The Lady might roll over me on her Krazy Kruiser.  No, I mean The Krazy Lady might roll over me on her Krazy Kruiser.  That’s it.  Everything about this
 was krazy!  I sure am glad that Mr. Guy always drives the car.  I would not want every ride I take to be like this one was!

Good night!  This dizzy little blue and orange monster is going to bed!

A Month of Me – Day 4

Today is the me May the fourth. The Lady and Mr Guy said today is also Star Wars Day. I do not really understand what that is, but I know I do not like anything about war. People fighting just seems like a bad idea to me. So having a day named after war seems not good at all. 

All day I heard people say “May the Forks be with you”. I imagined people were using forks against each other. That seemed really bad to me. Not as bad as using knives or guns, but bad. I would not want to be stabbed with a fork. I would not like someone stealing food off my plate with a fork. 

Mr Guy explained that Star Wars is a movie. The movie (he said there was more than one) is about a bunch of people who know how to use the “Force”. He said it is a magical power that let people control things with their thoughts. Good people and bad people use this power.The good ones use it to help people, The bad ones use it to harm people. The good people always say “May the Force be with you” to each other. Because “May the Force” sounds a lot like “May the fourth” this day was named Star Wars day. 

Mr Guy and The Lady thought that was pretty funny that I misunderstood. I laughed too when they told me what was really said. I thought it was so funny I asked to lady to take my picture with some forks. Then I could tell all my readers “May the Forks Be with You”. She agreed. 

Even though it was a funny thing, Mr Guy and The Lady and I talked a long time about people using force against each other. I told them I did not want to see Star Wars. I do not want to see any wars. Even ones that are just stories. I don’t think people should use force, magical or real against each other. What if someone did not like blue and orange furry monsters and forced me to leave. This is my home. I came from Delaware, not Texas. But I live here now and would not want to leave. I am not in anyo

ne’s way. I hope I make people happy with my writing. Why should someone want me to leave because I did not come from here? Or because I am a monster. Or because they do not like the color of my fur?

Mr Guy and The Lady said that sometimes people become so attached to their home that they consider anyone different to be dangerous. They only like people who look like they do. `They want other people to leave. And sometimes they use force to make that happen.

I said I did not understand. I have met a lot of people. They are all different. I have liked every one of them and they seemed to like me. If they came to our home I know The Lady and Mr Guy would welcome them. I would too.

And I would help give them dinner so the forks could be with them, too. 

A Month of Me – Day 3

It is only three days into the month of me May and already I know that this will be my favorite month ever!  Not only is The Lady helping me write every day, but she is taking a picture of me every day for her May Capture Your 365 prompts.  The best part is that she is in some of the pictures with me!!!  Her prompt today was “What Represents Me.”  Well, what represents her.  I told her that what I think represents her best is blue and orange  Those are her favorite colors…and mine, too!  She agreed that the fact that we both like blue and orange is a good thing, but that the prompt meant a little more than that.  We started talking about good things.

Blue and orange and T-shirts are good things, I said.  She said loving people, making people smile, and sharing your things were all good.  Then I started to understand.  Hugs are good.  Giving food and T-shirts to people who don’t have clothing and meals is good.  To not have hate in your heart is good.  Then The Lady remembered my shirt… This is not a new one, but she thought it would be perfect for today’s photo about what represents her.  

I know that she makes my world good.  And, Mr. Guy, The Lady and I believe that there is much good in the world even though it is sometimes hard to see.  And, we do our best to be a part of that good.

A Month of Me – Day 2

This little monster had a big surprise today!  When Mr. Guy and The Lady got home from school, they said that they needed to go to the store to get a few things and that I could go.  I asked if this store would be a disappointment like the stores in the airport last week.  Mr. Guy said he was sure that they would have the things that were on his shopping list and that they might even have a shirt for me.  He promised me that we could look.  This trip was sounding pretty good now.

We went to Target.

Mr. Guy always carries me when we go places.  I asked him if he feels silly carrying a blue and orange furry monster into public places and he said, “Nope.”  I’m glad because if he felt silly, I would never get to go anywhere and that would be boring and I would never get any new shirts!

When we got inside the store, I got to ride in a big red monster mobile.  It was fun!  Mr. Guy and The Lady drove me around, kind of like the pilot does on the airplane, but with the red monster mobile our wheels stayed on the ground.  This store had all kinds of things for me to look at.  They even had a place especially for taking pictures of little monsters!

This is the Target dog.  It kind of looks like the dogs at our house except this one didn’t have any fur.

Right around the corner from the picture spot were the little monster sized shirts.  As Mr. Guy steered my monster mobile, I could see lots and lots of blue and orange shirts!!  Yep.  No more Big D for this little monster!  Mr. Guy helped me find shirts in my size.

He and The Lady said that I could get more than one new shirt since I am going to have lots of pictures taken this month.  The Lady said that it was easier to buy me a few new shirts than to have to wash my old one’s all the time for my pictures.  This sounded like a good plan to me.  There were some shirts that had my favorite colors, but I didn’t quite understand the picture on the shirt.  Mr. Guy tried to explain it to me, but I still didn’t understand.  

After I picked out my shirts, we went to some other places in the store.  We passed a section of crazy looking contraptions.  The Lady told me that they were for human babies.  To me they looked like they would turn babies into robots or something.

I’m sure glad that Mr. Guy will hold me and carry me and not put me in one of these baby robot makers.  I guess they could maybe be fun, but I am a monster who likes to cuddle and neither Mr. Guy or The Lady would fit in one of these things with me!

One of the reasons that Mr. Guy wanted to come to Target was to get some beard wash.  Beard wash???  
He said that it keeps his fur neat and clean.  I wondered if I needed beard wash since I have lots of fur.  I don’t really have a beard.  Well, maybe I do, but it is all over my body!  Mr. Guy only has fur on his chin.  He doesn’t even have fur on his head!  I think I have more fur than he does, but I didn’t get any beard wash or fur wash.  I hope my fur looks neat and clean!

Then we shopped for a few more things that seemed boring to a little blue and orange furry monster.  I just looked around at all the people while Mr. Guy and the Lady filled the cargo compartment of my monster mobile.  I found lots of people to smile and wave at.  We even saw one of Mr. Guy’s students from his school.

After we paid for my cool new shirts and Mr. Guy and The Lady’s boring other stuff, we went for a treat.  Mr. Guy took us to get frozen yogurt.  The Lady is counting her calories. I don’t know exactly what that means, but she said that she was only having a tiny bit of yogurt with nothing special on it.  Mr. Guy said that she was going to have boring yogurt and that he and I would share.  I was so excited to see that they had blue and orange yogurt!!  Mr. Guy said I could have both of them!  And, he let me get blue and orange dots to put on it.  It was tasty.  I hope that I didn’t get any in my beard.  I mean my fur.  Mr. Guy didn’t offer to share his beard wash with me.

Maybe tomorrow The Lady will take a picture of me in one of my new shirts.

I am certainly enjoying this month of me May!

A Month of Me – Day 1

Because The Lady feels bad because she has not helped me much with my writing lately, she promised me that we would take a picture and write about it every single day this month.  I am going to be a hard working blue and orange furry monster for the next thirty-one days!!  That’s okay.  I know that Mr. Guy and The Lady will give me all the help that I need to be successful.

When Mr. Guy and The Lady adopted me, they promised that they would take good care of me and love me forever.  I wasn’t sure then what a promise was, but now I know.  It is when someone says that they will definitely do something.  I think that making a promise is pretty easy.  It is keeping one that my be the hard part.  Mr. Guy and The Lady have kept the promise they made to love me, so I have no doubt that they will keep their promise to help me write this month.  I know that that might be hard for them because they are finishing school this month and have all that end of school teacher stuff to do.  The Lady said that was okay, that we would all work together to make it happen.

After this school year, Mr. Guy is retiring.  That means that he won’t go to school anymore.  The Lady told me that he will be a stay-at-home dad to me and the four-legged furry monsters.  She said that he and I might be able to have some adventures together during the day while she is at work.  That might be kind of fun!

Thank you to all of my friends, old and new, who continue to support me by reading my blog!