A Month of Me – Day 18

Today I watched The Lady decorate her claws.  It was very interesting.  First she dripped shiny stuff all over them.  Then she smeared it around with a soft little stick.  It looked kind of like putting icing on a cupcake except that her claws are much smaller and the shiny stuff didn’t small as good as frosting.  But, when she was done, her claws looked pretty, just like decorated cupcakes.  I asked her if she could decorate my claws too.

The Lady said that if I wanted to have decorated claw, she would be glad to do it for me.  She asked me what color I wanted.  I told her that I wanted orange frosting on my claws.  She said, “But you already have orange claws.”  I said, “Well, you already have pink claws and you just decorated yours with pink shiny stuff.  I want my claws to be shiny orange!”  She said, “Point made.” and agreed to the orange.

We had one little problem.  My claws are great big compared to The Lady’s.  It took a whole bottle of the shiny, drippy, frosting stuff to cover just one of my claws.  That meant we had to have eight bottles of orange!  I have four claws and two hands.  The Lady only had one bottle of orange decorating stuff.  That made me sad.  I didn’t want just one shiny claw.  I wanted eight shiny claws!  The Lady asked how I would feel about having a different color on each of my claws.  I thought about and decided that that would be fun.  So that’s what we did.

I like the colors on my claws, but I sure didn’t like having to sit still and wait for the drippy stuff to not be drippy and sticky anymore.  I was a happy blue and orange…and yellow and pink and green, monster once I could finally get up and play.

The Lady said that sometimes people decorate their claws to match their clothes.  I will have to look in my closet and see if I have a yellow and pink and green and orange shirt that matches my new shiny claws!

A Month of Me – Day 17

I got a new pillow case for my bed.  I like the orange, but I was a little scared of the words…be awesome today.  That is the first thing I see every morning when I wake up.  That means that today is every day and I have to be awesome every day.  I don’t know if I can do that!  I told The Lady that I was worried about being awesome every day.  She said that was not something that I needed to be concerned about.

The Lady said that all I have to do to be awesome is be myself.  She said that being nice to people makes me awesome.  Smiling makes me awesome.  She said that showing love and respect to everyone I meet makes me awesome.  Is that all?  I can do that!  I already do all of those things!  I like to be nice and I like to smile and I always show love and respect for the people I meet.  Now I’m not scared by my new pillow case.  Phew!   I can get a good night’s sleep so that I can wake up tomorrow and be as awesome as possible!

A Month of Me – Day 16

I think that The Lady and I may be in trouble with Mr. Guy.  Today was The Lady’s first day of vacation.  This day was way different than any day we have had in a long time!  First of all, The Lady was home all day.  I can’t remember the last time that happened.  I think because we were home all day Mr. Guy thought we might do some laundry and clean up some.  I have lots of t-shirts that need to be washed and put back on hangers.  There is monster fur on the floor that needed to be vacuumed.   The refrigerator needs to be cleaned out.  There may be some things in there that are orange and blue that aren’t really supposed to be those colors.  We need to get rid of them.  We could have done any or all of these things today, but we didn’t.  The Lady and I had a real vacation day!  We took a nap and The Lady showed me how to play games on her iPad.  That was lots of fun!  But it was kind of strange.  We had just finished lunch and we started to play the games.  I looked at the clock ten minutes later and it was time for Mr. Guy to come home from school.  I don’t know what those games do to the clock!  It happened again tonight.  We finished dinner and ten minutes later it was midnight. The Lady said she doesn’t understand what the games do to the clock either.  Maybe we’ll have to play again tomorrow to see if we can figure it out!

Mr. Guy snuck up behind us and took our picture.  I think that was during some of the time that disappeared while we were playing!  Boy were we busy!!!

A Month of Me – Day 15

Since we had a big adventure yesterday, today we stayed home, but I still got to do some new stuff.  First, I got to wear one of my new t-shirts that we got at Target a few weeks ago.  The Lady picked this one out because she likes the guy on the front.  Well, its not really the guy that she likes, she likes how he is built.  Wait, I don’t think that sounds right either.  I give up.  The guy on my shirt is a Lego guy.  I found out today that The Lady has lots of Lego guys.  Some even look like the guy on my shirt…if you get all of their parts in the right places.  They are astronauts, people who go to outer space.

Mr. Guy told me that when he was growing up, people flew in rockets into space all the time. He remembers when a guy named Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon for the first time. That was way back in 1969.  That was a long time ago!  I’ve seen the moon when I have been outside at night in my backyard and it does not look big enough for a rocket ship and a man to stand on.  Mr Guy says the moon is really a long way away.   Really it is big.  It took three whole days for Astronaut Armstrong and his friend Astronaut Buzz Aldrin to get to the moon. That is why it looks so small from here! Mr Guy even got to meet an Astronaut once. That was Astronaut Alan Shepard. Astronaut Shepard was the first American to go into space.  He went to the moon once too! Astronaut Shepard wrote a book about his life and was in Dallas signing copies of it for people. This is how Mr. Guy got to meet an astronaut.  He went and got a copy of his book!  Mr. Guy read some of it to me tonight.  He says that over the summer maybe we can read the whole thing together!

I wonder if the guy on my shirt is Mr. Armstrong or Mr. Shepard.

A Month of Me – Day 13

Thank goodness it’s Friday!  And it’s The Lady’s last day of school for this school year.  And it’s the end of another school week for Mr. Guy.  Mr. Guy and I spent some time in the garden this afternoon looking at the baby magnolias that have been born.  I forgot to take pictures of them.  I will try to remember to do that tomorrow.  We talked about our day.  We shared a Diet Coke.  I like the message on Mr. Guy’s soda bottle.  And, Mr. Guy told me that tomorrow we are going on an adventure so I need to get to sleep early so that I am all rested up!  I hope I have lots of interesting things to tell you about when I get home tomorrow!

For now, good night!

A Month of Me – Day 12

Today was the last day of school for The Lady!  Yay!  She came home early to finish grading her last exams so that she would be completely done for ther semester. Mr Guy came home at the usual time; it is not his last day of school.  Just like last night,  they left right away.

The Lady was playing music for something called graduation.  I learned three things today! When someone goes to school for a while and finishes lots of classes, they graduate. That means there is a big ceremony for them. They give everyone who has finished a fancy piece of paper called diploma. It is a paper that says they are finished. And you can get more than one of these diplomas. All this school stuffl is too hard for this blue and orange monster to figure out. It seems to me that finished means done, all done, forever. The Lady explained that there are lots of levels of school. You can get a diploma for each level! 

Second, I learned that The Lady not only sings, but she plays a musical instrument called a clarinet. I knew she played the piano. I often spend my days in the office where the piano is and have heard her play. She doesn’t play her clarinet much at home. Last weekend I heard something funny.  I think she might have been playing it in our library. But I was not in there and did not see it so I wasn’t sure what those sounds were. I know now, but I still have not seen her clarinet.

The third thing I learned was that when you graduate, you get special clothes! They are not t-shirts.  I like my t-shirts. They are called rigamarole or something like that.  The Lady has a black robe with funny looking arms and something she called a hood.  This all sounds like something a nerdy superhero might wear. The Lady let me try on her hood. It did not seem like much of a hood to me. I could not put it on my head! It went on my shoulders. 

The Lady said that the color of the hood tells people what you took all those classes in while you were in school.   Hers is pink because she went to school to study music. Pink really clashes with my orange fur!   I don’t think I want to study music!  Mr Guy said his hood was lemon yellow because he studied to be a librarian. I asked what that meant. He said that a librarian is someone who works in a library and deals with lots of books. That sounds fun!  I like books. The other night, when I was thinking about getting a rain hat, I wondered how yellow would look with my fur.  Someday maybe I can go to school and learn how to be a librarian like Mr. Guy and I can get a yellow hood and have a yellow hat too!  Then I would definitely look like a nerdy superhero!

For now though, I guess I’ll just have to be a furry blue and orange monster with lots of t-shirts and no rigamarole.

A Month of Me – Day 11

Today was another busy day for The Lady and Mr Guy. Like every weekday, they left early to go to school. Mr. Guy surprised me and the four legged monsters by coming home in the middle of the day. I think he was skipping school!  He wasn’t here very long. He came home to let the four legged monsters outside for a few minutes because The Lady was giving tests and couldn’t come home as early as she usually does. Mr. Guy hurried back to school so that he would not get in trouble for skipping school.  He might have to go to the principal’s office or something.

At almost dinner time,  The Lady came home. When Mr Guy came home a little later then  they left again to get dinner.  The four-legged monsters and I just popped open a can of something.  They were both too tired to cook and The Lady had to go to choir re-her-sal. I did not know what that meant. The Lady said she likes to sing. She sings with a group of people at church called the choir. On Wednesdays they practice so they will sound good when they sing on Sunday mornings. I don’t think I have ever heard The Lady sing. Someday I will get to maybe.

While the Lady was at rehearsal, Mr Guy came home because Offspring No.1 is not home and Mr. Guy did not want to leave me and the four legged monsters home alone for even more hours. We all watched TV, something we don’t do very often. The Mr. Guy went to get The Lady. When they came home we watched even more TV.  I saw all kinds of stuff about rain and thunder and lightening and hail.  It was scary.  The TV made me sad, too.  The Dallas Stars lost their hockey game so they won’t get a cup.  They are all going to be very thirsty!  I don’t think I like watching TV.  

I am going to bed now because if the people on TV are telling the truth, I may be waked up in the middle of the night by bad storms.

A Month of Me – Day 10

This whole hat thing is getting to be serious business!  I told Mr. Guy that I want to wear hats like he does.  He told me that there are different kinds of hats for different occasions.  The other night he was telling me about sun hats.  Really I think they should be called no-sun hats.  He said that he wears different hats in the winter because he doesn’t have any fur to keep his head warm.  I don’t have that problem.  

Tonight I tried on one of his summer hats.  Mr. Guy wears this one to keep the sun from baking his head and turning it red.  I just wanted to try it on.  I like this one a little bit because it fits over my horns.  But, it is the wrong color blue for my fur, don’t you think?  The Lady said something like it crashes with my fur colors.  I don’t think that it looks so bad that people will think that I look like a crash, but I don’t think that I want a hat like this one.  Well, at least not in this color.  The Lady told me that it is going to be hard to find a hat that doesn’t crash and that fits over my horns.  She said that I might have to make some compromises.  Compromises?

Hmmm…The Lady tried to explain compromises to me.  I think it means something like I am probably not going to find the perfect hat I so I should learn to be happy with something close.  Maybe I can do that.  I just don’t want cramped horns or a hat that crashes.

Oh!!!  I just learned about another kind of hat.  Rain hats!  There is lots of rain and thunder and lightening at my house right now.  Mr. Guy went outside to check on stuff.  He told me to stay inside so I didn’t get wet.  If I had a  rain hat, it would keep my fur all nice and dry.  The Lady said that lots of times rain hats are yellow.  Do you think that a yellow hat would crash with my fur???

A Month of Me – Day 9

Mr. Guy and The Lady have been very busy today.  Mr. Guy said that he spent all day giving a star test.  I didn’t know that he was teaching theater!  I wonder what kind of star he was looking for.  Was it boy star or a girl star?  Could a blue and orange furry monster pass the star test?  I want to be a star like Nicky that I met from Avenue Q!  Mr. Guy said that it was not that kind of test.  Well, that makes me sad.

So then he must testing people on all the stars in the sky.  That would be a hard test!  All those little yellow dots look just the same to me yet they all have funny names.  And why do people need to be tested on all those names anyway?  I have enough trouble remembering the names of all my friends and they all look different and most of them have easy names.   The hard part is remembering which name goes with which face.  Mr. Guy said that he was not giving a test on stars in the sky.

Well then, it must be a test about hockey.  I know that the Dallas Stars play hockey.  I think its kind of strange that Mr. Guy would give a test about The Stars.  He doesn’t know anything about hockey!  I don’t think that he could pass a test about The Dallas Stars.  I know that they are playing a bunch of important games against the ST. Louis Blues so that they can win a cup.  I don’t know what the big deal is about winning a cup.  There will be a lot of germs if all of the Dallas Stars have to drink out of the same cup.  My friend, Mr. Jim, went to see the Stars play hockey on Saturday.  Maybe I can get a Dallas Stars t-shirt and look like I might be able to pass Mr. Guy’s test about the Stars.

What?  Not these Stars either?

I give up!  What kind of stars is his test about?

Mr. Guy said that the test is “The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness.”  For several days that hold everyone at school hostage in a room and make them take this STAAR test.  It sounds like something that a furry blue and orange monster would not like at all!  And, the people giving this test must be kind of like if Mr. Guy was giving the hockey test…how can they be giving a star test when they don’t even know how to spell the word “star”?  Star is not S-T-A-A-R!  it only has one “a” if it is spelled correctly!  Oh well.  I don’t have to worry about this test.  Thank goodness!

Mr. Guy said that his brain was tired so he and I read the news, played a few games, and shopped online.  

I am still looking for the perfect hat.  We looked, but we did not find one.

I wanted to look for some new shirts, but Mr. guy was looking at soap.  His brain really must be tired!    He was so tired that he let me push the buttons on his computer.

The Lady said that she is giving tests this week too, but hers do not have incorrectly spelled names and she does not get locked up in a room every day.  I think if I ever have to take a test, I want to take the kind that The Lady gives instead of The kind that Mr. Guy gives.

Even though they were both tired, they found time to play with me, hold me, and help me write my blog post.  That makes me a happy little monster!

A Month of Me – Day 8

Today is not about me.  It is a special day to say thank you to The Lady and all of you out there who are mothers or mother figures to blue and orange furry monsters, any kind of other monsters, four-legged children, and two-legged children.  We all hope you know how much we love you even if we don’t always show it.

Happy Mother’s Day!