Trip B’day

After my busy day roamin Rome, I was very happy to get back to our hotel and go to sleep.  This little monster had been awake way too long!  

When just The Lady and I share a room, I get lots more room in the bed and can have as many pillows as my little monster head needs.  Sometimes when I am very tired, my horns feel heavy and need their own pillows.  Other monsters who have roamed Rome must have had the same problem because our bed had lots of extra pillows.  I settled in for a good night’s sleep!

I slept great!  I don’t think that The Lady did; so, since I didn’t take a bath last night (I know, I know.  I went to bed as a dirty little monster, but I was sooo tired!) and I was wide awake, I volunteered to get up first.  The Lady told me that there was a fancy bathrobe that I could use.  I have nevver had a bathrobe so I wasn’t sure what that was.  I discovered that a bathrobe is just a towel with arms and a hood.  It did feel kind of like a superhero cape.  “Blue and orange bathrobe monster to the rescue!”  Hmmm…I’m not sure how comforting that sounds.  I looked in the mirror and didn’t look much like a superhero.

When I turned around, I was quite surprised!

There were two potties!  I am OK with SLEEPING right beside The Lady and sharing blankets and pillows, but even a furry little blue and orange monster has to draw the togetherness line somewhere.  I did not want to experience that much togetherness with The Lady.  Nothing personal, of course.  

I had to wake up The Lady and ask her about this potty situation.   From her half-awake state, she told me that we did not have his and hers potties in our bathroom.  She said that one is a regular potty just like we have at home and the other is a b’day.  

A b’day?  I have had some birthdays (mine is in June)  and none of them have involved side by side potties!  Who wants to have a b’day party in a bathroom?  Maybe that bathrobe thing is not really a superhero cape, but instead is some kind of special birthday party attire?  This Rome stuff is getting kind of strange.

I think The Lady heard me in the bathroom talking to myslef about this b’day and finally got up.  I was glad because I was very confused!  I wanted her to tell me exactly how we were going to celebrate this roamin’ Roman birthday!  After she got done laughing at me, she explained that it is not a b’day, but a B-I-D-E-T!!!  It is a French word.  Great.  That may have clarified things for her, but not for this little monster!  I think I was more confused.  Why were we using French words in Italy?  

“What is a B-I-D-E-T?” I asked in not my nicest little monster voice.

The Lady explained that it is a special shower for your bottom.  She told me that I might like using a B-I-D-E-T because it would keep my bottom furs clean without having to put my whole self in the shower.

This conversation was getting embarrassing!  I do my best to keep ALL of my furs clean.  I don’t want to talk about my bottom furs with The Lady.  I only talk about them with our canine, Piper, at home.  She has a furry bottom just like mine and sometimes she gets poop nuggets stuck in her fur and The Lady has to give her a bath.  Maybe Piper and I could share one of these B-I-D-E-T things at home…not at the same time, of course; we both like our privacy!   

This was no happy b’day, or happy B-I-D-E-T, for me!  I put my whole furry self in the normal whole body shower and got all of my furs, including my bottom ones, nice and clean, ignoring that B-I-D-E-T thing over there the whole time.

When I got out of the normal shower, I saw a hairdryer on a shelf.  I wonder why it wasn’t written in Roman Italian?

 And, I kind of wish it said furdryer., but I used it anyway.

After I was done in the bathroom, The Lady showered and got dressed and we got on a bus to take us to the port so we could get on a big ship.  The ship would take us to see the greasy turkey. There was no more talk about our hotel bathroom.

Our ship was very big and had lots of rooms…excuse me, cabins…I quickly learned that cabin is ship language for room.  Whatever it’s called, I was excited to see what ours looked like.

It was very nice!  The Lady and I had a big bed to share, with extra horn pillows.  There was also a couch in case I wanted to sleep by myself.  But, I was most excited to see that our bathroom was a one person bathroom!!!  No his and hers potties…b’days…B-I-D-E-T-S…just one normal toilette!  (I like that French word better than B-I-D-E-T!!!)  And one normal, all-purpose, shower!

What a relief for this little monster!

Our cabin also had a nice balcony with two chairs!

I can’t wait to tell you more in my next post about our ship, Royal Carribbean’s Odyssey of the Seas!