My Week on Odyssey of the Seas

Things have been a little crazy at my house so it has taken me longer than expected to show you all of the fun things on our ship!  I’m excited to share my week on the Odyssey of the Seas with you!

We’ll go deck by deck.

All of the maps I saw started with deck 3.  I know that all of the people that worked on the ship had cabins on deck 2.  There was a hospital on that deck too.  I did not do any work or get sick so I never saw deck 2.

Deck 3 had a lot of fun things – the dining room, the casino, the music hall, and the Royal Theatre.  The dining room was big and fancy.  Every time we sat down to eat, it looked like they had emptied the whole silverware drawer for just me.  I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do with three forks, two spoons, and two or three knives.  It looked like each kind of food on my plate was supposed to be eaten with a different utensil.  The problem was I didn’t know which utensil went with which food.  By the end of the week, I think I had it figured out, but I prefer the one utensil meals that we have at home.  And if the multiple choice utensils were not enough to stress out this furry little blue and orange monster, all of the table cloths and napkins were white!  Who thought that was a good idea for little monsters?   I did not take any pictures in the dining room because I was afraid that wasn’t polite…and in the picture  I might have had the wrong fork on my plate or have spilled something on the white tablecloth and that would have been embarrassing!

Mr. Jim took me to the casino.   I didn’t know what a casino was, but Mr. Jim is always fun so I went with him.   He said that at a casino you pay money to play games and sometimes you win more money, but most of the time, you lose your money.  That didn’t sound like much fun.  I didn’t want to lose my money because I wanted to buy a new t-shirt.  We went to the casino anyway.

It was fun watching all of the colorful spin-y things on the machines even though I didn’t know what they meant.  Mr. Jim put money in the machine.  We didn’t get any back.  Is it rude to say that I’m glad we lost his money and not mine?

We went to the Music Hall and the Schooner Bar a few times to play some games.  That was fun because we got to meet other people on our ship.  It was cool to be on a team with people from all over the world!

Every night we went to the Royal Theatre for some kind of performance.  There were people who sang all kinds of different music, and dancers, and people who said funny things to make us laugh, and bats who looked like people flying around on ropes and rings.  I was very entertained!  I wanted to get to the theatre early every night so that I could sit in my favorite seat in the front row.

Deck 4 had the balcony for the Royal Theatre.  We never sat there because it was too far away from the stage.  It also had more of the fancy dining room.  We never ate there.  Mostly on this deck were places to shop…and a Starbucks and a pizza shop  I liked going to Starbucks and the pizza shop for snacks because I didn’t have to worry about any utensils!

I spent the money that I didn’t lose at the casino in a shop on deck 4 where I bought a t-shirt.

They didn’t have too many monster-sized shirts to choose from, but I did find a blue and orange one!  That made me happy.

Then Mr. Jim took me to look at clocks that you wear on your wrist.  He likes these wrist clocks a lot!

The first ones he showed me were called roll X.  That sounded kind of like something that we were supposed to do with one of the games in the casino if we wanted to take our money home.  Mr. Jim said that these wrist clocks cost A LOT of money, way more money than the machines at the casino took from us.  I’m not sure why anyone would spend a lot of money for one of these things.   Everyone has a cell phone and it always knows what time it is.  The Lady didn’t even have to push any buttons on her phone to change its time when we lost six hours on the airplane between Dallas and Rome!  I still don’t know how we lost those hours!  Thankfully, we found them on our way home.

Mr. Jim did show me some less expensive wrist clocks that matched my fur.

I liked the colors, but my fur hid the clock part and my arms already have stripes that look like wrist part.  My takeaway?  I don’t need a wrist clock, but it was fun to look!

Deck 5 had mostly ship business stuff and fancy restaurants.  We didn’t spend much time on this deck except in a little bar where they played nice music.

Deck 5 also had fancy tecnical theatre, that was on the stern of the ship, where we got to watch virtual fireworks!  That was a lot of fun because there were no loud noises like with real fireworks!

Decks six through thirteen were are all cabins.  That is a lot of cabins!  Odyssey of the Seas has cabin space for as many as 5,500 people…and a few little monsters who stow away!  I only saw decks 8 and 10 because our cabin was on deck 10 and Mr. Jim and Mr. Sepherson were on deck 8 forward on the starboard side.  I liked this sign that was on deck 8.

I dare to be rare every day!  How many furry little blue and orange monsters have you met?

On deck 14 there was a less fancy food place that had all kinds of different things to eat!  And, you could have as much as you wanted!  My favorite part of deck 14 was the place where you could get fancy frozen drinks!

There were also chairs that matched my fur!

The Lady and Mr. Jim played a game called corn whole.  They tossed bags of beans across a big dome thing into a board with a wooden hole.  I have no idea what this had to do with whole corn, but they seemed to have fun.

Deck 16 had more games.   The Lady said that she liked to play ski ball so asked if I wanted to try that.  I wasn’t sure how I was going to ski on a ball on a rocking ship with no snow, but I said I’d try.   Then I saw the sign…SKEE BALL.  I don’t know what that means but it was obvious it didn’t have anything to do with skis and snow!

Skee ball was fun, but I only rolled a couple balls because The Lady really likes skee ball so she rolled the rest.  This seemed a lot like the vegetable game with the corn and beans except that you roll a ball into the hole rather than toss a bag.

This deck also had bumper cars.  I liked that there was an orange car, but I was too short to drive so we could only watch.

That’s OK because I’m not sure how I’d like people running into me or me running into them on purpose.

And honestly, my favorite thing to do on the ship was to be still and watch, listen, and smell the beauty of the water.