A Good Day

Today was a good day!  It was the first day of The Lady’s summer break and we went on a little adventure.  First, Mr. Guy, The Lady, and I went out for lunch and coffee.  I had a banana for lunch and Mr. Guy shared his coffee with me.  Mr. Guy told me that he didn’t think that it would be healthy for a furry little blue and orange monster to have a whole cup of coffee of his own.

After lunch, Mr. Guy and The Lady took me to the Red Circle store to get a new shirt.  Yay!  I was very excited.   I always find cool shirts at this store.  As Mr. Guy rolled me in the cart back to the little monster section, I was thinking about what color shirt I wanted and what words I might like on it and what picture  would be fun.  Even after all of this thinking I still didn’t know what I wanted.  We finally got to the right place for my size.  I looked at the shelves of shirts.  I kept looking and kept looking.  I didn’t see anything that looked just right for this little monster.  The words on one sad said, ‘Coolest brother.”  I’m not a brother so that one wouldn’t work\.  Lots of others had pictures of beach stuff on them.  Since we don’t go to Delaware, where there is a beach, anymore, these shirts didn’t feel right for me either.  I was very disappointed.  I finally saw a shirt that was The Lady’s coral color.  Do you remember that she has to take pictures of coral, without an ‘H’, stuff this week?  I decided this shirt would be OK.  It’s not like any of the shirts that I already have.

It has plants on it.  We have lots of plants at our house so I guess it is a good shirt for me.  I wondered what kind of plants they are.  I used Mr. Guy’s computer to find out what they might be.  I may not be the best Googler, but the computer told me that some of my shirt plants look like poison sumac.   Poison?!  That didn’t sound good.  I read that poison sumac makes you itch and turn red and bumpy.  I think adding red bumps to my orange and blue fur might be a little too much color for me.

Mr. Guy said that he didn’t think my shirt had poison sumac leaves on it.  He thinks they are more like palm leaves and leaves from tropical plants.  I hope he is right because just thinking about poison sumac makes me itch.

Even though my shirt shopping trip was a little disappointing, I still had a good day.  I hope we have lots more like it this summer.  And, The Lady said that we can look somewhere else for a new shirt.  I hope I am a better shirt Googler than plant Googler.