Take Your Monster to Work Day

Do you ever have days that are both happy and sad at the same time?  We had one of those days today.

The Lady gave a big test to her class today.  She does that at the end of every one of her teaching semesters.  I think having to take a big test makes the day a sad day!   The Lady’s students didn’t seem too sad about having to take a big test.  Maybe that is because they are all very smart and knew all of the answers for the test.   I think they were most happy when they were all finished with the big test.

Everyone was sad because these students have all been in a class together for more than two years.  It was four different classes all in a row.  (After four classes in music theory I sure hope they knew all of the answers to the questions on their test!)  Now they are all done.  Some of the people are going to go to different schools soon so all of these friends may not see each other again.  That is the sad part.  The happy part is that those people will get to go learn more stuff and work hard to make their dreams come true.   I bet there will be some more big test days in their future that might make them sad.  Hopefully they will get to play and compose enough music to make them more happy than sad!

I get to go to school with The Lady on the last day of the last class and meet her students.  They are all very nice and were happy to take a picture with me.  Mr. Sam was especially happy to meet me.  He asked if he could hold me for our picture.  I was sad when we had to say good-bye to everyone.

But, I am happy that The Lady is almost done with work and will be home with me for a few weeks.  Maybe we will have time to go on some big adventures before she has to go back to school in June.

I guess you have to feel sad sometimes to also feel the happy times and you have to know happy times to get you through the sad times.

That’s a hard test for this furry little blue and orange monster!

I hope your day was more happy than sad!