Quintessential Me

I learned a new word today:

Quintessential – representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.

Mr. Guy told me that when he was a teacher and he was helping his students to learn new words, he would have them use their new words in sentences.  That sounded kind of fun.  Then I heard The Lady and Mr. Guy talking about poems.  I wasn’t exactly sure what a poem was so I looked it up.  A poem is “a composition in verse, usually characterized by concentrated and heightened language in which words are chosen for their sound and suggestive power as well as for their sense, and using such techniques as metre, rhyme, and alliteration.”  I still don’t think I know what a poem is!  Mr. Guy tried to explain this to me in a way that I could understand.  I was curious about these poem things.  I decided that I was not going to use my new word, quintessential, just in a sentence, I decided to use it in a poem, my very first poem.  I hope you like it.

Quintessential Me

In case we’ve not officially met,
I’ll share a bit about me.
I’m a furry little monster,
And I use the pronoun “he.”

My horns and claws are orange,
Some of my fur is too;
But most of me is a vibrant
Deep cerulean blue.

I live in the state of Texas
With The Lady and Mr. Guy
They adopted me in Delaware
Though I don’t know exactly why.

That doesn’t really matter
Because I’m as happy as can be
amidst all the crazy people
That I now call family.

We’ve visited many places
Both near and far away –
England, Iceland, Alaska,
Virginia, Milwaukee, L.A.

Seattle and Philadelphia
Minneapolis, Asheville, and KC.
I’ve met hundreds of nice people
I’m so lucky to be me!

I buy myself a t-shirt
To remind me where I’ve been.
I have a great big drawer full,
It’s hard to fit them in.

The Lady takes my picture
Every place  I go
And then I write my stories
About traveling to and fro.

I tell about the fun trips
About the sad times too.
I speak of all the things I learn
And moments gone askew.

Sometimes I  make mistakes.
I do not see things right.
The Lady says this is how we learn,
That experience brings insight.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this simple poem
About quintessential me.
A furry little monster
Who goes by Blueper B!

-Blueper B