Sad Times

Boy has it been a hard, sad, crazy few weeks at our house.  I have learned that even when I have the best intentions, like wanting to write every day, sometimes life happens and we just can’t do all of the things that we hope to do.

Last week we had to say good-bye to our canine, Harley.  Harley lived with Mr. Guy and The Lady a lot longer than I have.  We were all sad, but Harley was very old and her body was not strong anymore.  We all worked hard to keep her happy and comfortable as long as we could.  She was kind of furry like me except that her fur was gold not blue and orange.  She didn’t have horns like mine, but her ears stuck up and kind of looked like my horns.

The Lady told me that Harley crossed The Rainbow Bridge and met her big brother, Adidas.  We miss her, but I know she is happy and feels much better now.

Then The Lady and I went and spent several days with Offspring #2 and her babies.  We thought we might have some fun taking pictures with those little guys, but that didn’t happen.  Those little people don’t stay still long enough for pictures!  They are busy all the time.  This furry little blue and orange monster got tired just watching them play!  The Lady and I decided that it was more important for her to help Offspring #2 take care of the boys than it was for us to take pictures and write.  I hid in our room and napped and watched HGTV on The Lady’s ipad.  I kind of enjoyed my monster alone time.

Then a most terrible thing happened.  There was a school shooting here in Texas and nineteen children and two teachers were killed.  We all got very sad again.  I wrote about guns four years ago.  It seems not good that guns are still killing too many people all these years later.  The students who were shot are just a little bit older than me.  That is awful.  I am still little.  I want to grow up to be a big monster, to learn more things, to go more places, to get new t-shirts, to make new friends, to maybe someday have my own little monsters like Offspring #2.  None of those children will ever get to do those things.  I cried a lot for their families.

When Mr. Guy and The Lady were still going to school every day and teaching, I used to think it would be fun to go with them.  Now I am glad that none of us has to go to school.  I think that schools are scary places.  I hope that Mr. Guy or The Lady can teach me all the things that I want to learn at home.

Even though I am not a very happy monster, I am trying not to be so sad all of the time.  

We’ll see how that goes.

I hope you all can find something to chase away some of the clouds in your world.

Oh, and hug everyone you love as often as you can.  You never know when they won’t be there to hug anymore. 🙁