The Abstract Side of Hard and Easy

Whew!  It’s been a hectic few days.  Well, not really for me, but for The Lady.  She spent the weekend helping Offspring No. 2 with her little people.  Those little people were very busy!  That made The Lady and Offspring No. 2 very busy too.  Because of all that busy-ness, The Lady didn’t have time to help me write.  That’s OK.  I had a relaxing weekend even if she didn’t.  

Yesterday, The Lady wanted to rest.  That seemed fair to me since she had been busy for two days I had rested rested for two days.  Mr. Guy and I did guy things while she was gone, like napping, and reading, and watching HGTV.  I missed The Lady, but I also like it when just Mr. Guy and I have time together.

Anyway, yesterday The Lady needed a picture with bubbles, but we couldn’t find our bubble blowing stuff.  (I bet Offspring No. 2’s little people had bubble blowing stuff they would have shared with me.)  I told The Lady I would  take a picture for her.

I thought the hard part would be figuring out how to make bubbles without any bubble blowing stuff.  That was the easy part!  The Internet told me that I could make a different kind of bubbles by mixing oil and water.  I knew we would have both of those things so off to the kitchen I went.  I had to ask Mr. Guy for a little help getting a big pan out of the pantry in which to mix the oil and water.  

Then the really hard part came!  How was I going to take a picture of me and the bubbles without spilling my oily bubble stuff all over me?!

I got The Lady’s camera and played for a little while.  This was WAY harder than I thought it would be.  Have you ever noticed how some things look easy and are really hard and how other things look really hard and are actually easy?  I wonder why that is.  Maybe it’s that some people make easy things look hard and others make hard things look easy.   I asked Mr. Guy and The Lady about this.

They said that everyone has different skills and different talents.  That’s what makes us all unique.  They also said that I was right that something could be easy for someone and difficult for someone else, and that is OK.  The world needs everyone’s skills.   I had a hard time taking a picture of me and my weird bubble stuff, but usually I have an easy time making people smile.  Mr. Guy said that making people smile is my talent and it is an important one.  Making people smile makes the world a better place.  That made me smile!  

Speaking of smiles, I didn’t get my smile in my picture I took for The Lady.  All I got was my belly fur.  The Lady said it looks like abstract art.  I wondered if that was a good thing.  I went back to the Internet and looked up abstract art.

art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures.

I don’t really know what all of that means, but I do see shapes and colors in my picture.  And, this furry little blue and orange monster fur has kind of a cool texture.  I’ll  just trust that The Lady understands what this definition of abstract art means and that she thinks that abstract art is a good thing.

Happy Monday, everyone!  I hope your day brings you some smiles.