Monster Claws and Horse Feet

The Lady and I were talking about our claws today.  She has to take special care of her claws so that she can play her guitar.  Sometimes she goes to a place where they stick fake claws on her fingers.  She says that fake claws sort of help her play the guitar better, but she really doesn’t like them.  So, she does all this stuff to make her real claws more like the fake claws.  It all seems like a lot of work to me.  My claws grow with no problem.  They stay clean and don’t break and are always a pretty orange…except for the time I asked The Lady to put that drippy shiny stuff on them.

That drippy shiny stuff was kind of was fun…once…I don’t think I’ll do that again.  I think that I prefer my natural orange claws just like The Lady prefers her natural pink (much shorter than mine) claws.

The Lady eats these gummy things every day to help her hair and nails grow strong. I don’t think I need those.  Look at my fur!  It grows just fine.  And, look at my claws.  They grow fine too.  I did try one of her gummy things, though, and it tasted really good.  I wonder how long my fur and hair would get if I ate them every day like The Lady does.  It’s funny – she also has to sand her claws and she also puts this stuff for horse feet on her fingers.  I don’t undertand why she eats stuff to make her claws grow and be strong and then she cuts them shorter and puts the horse feet stuff on them to make them softer.

It is much easier to take care of furry little blue and orange monster fur and claws than it is to take care of guitar playing lady claws!