Piggy Pink

It has been a busy weekend for my people.  Yesterday was Offspring #2″s Little Offspring #1’s birthday.  We had a fun time celebrating.  And today is Mother’s Day.  It makes me happy that I have The Lady to mother me.

Mr. Guy and I worked together to get The Lady a special gift for Mother’s Day.  He knew that a lot of mothers like flowers and chocolate and maybe to go out to eat to celebrate Mother’s Day, but The Lady is not like most mothers.  (I don’t mean that in a bad way!)  She likes Lego.  Mr. Guy told me that the construction at our house is because she needs a big room so that The Lady has a place for all of her Lego stuff.  Some Lego stuff is big and some is small.  Since our new room is not done yet and we don’t have any space for big Lego, we decided to get her some Lego minifigures.  I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but Mr. Guy knew that The Lady would like them a lot.  He told me that there was a new series of minifigures called The Muppets.  They were just released so Mr. Guy knew that The Lady didn’t have any of them and that she would want them.

I didn’t know who The Muppets were so I looked them up on the computer.  The Muppets look kind of like me!  Lots, of furry little monsters.  There is also one that looks like Mr. Guy; his name is Statler.  Statler has a friend named Waldorf.  (That sounds like a salad but he doesn’t look like a salad.)  Then there is a frog, a dog, a prawn, a rat, a chicken, and a pig.  I may have forgotten some of them.  These Muppets have been on television and in movies.  They are kind of famous.  I would like to meet the real Muppets some day.  Maybe I can be on TV or in a movie with them.  That would be exciting!

Mr. Guy was right.  The Lady loved the Lego Muppet minifigures that we got for her.  I learned there are twelve Muppet characters in the series..  Mr. Guy bought eighteen packages.  That seemed strange to me.  He explained that he bought extras because you can’t see in the packages so you don’t know which Muppets you are buying.  He thought he’d have a better chance of getting the whole series for The Lady if he bought the extras.  That didn’t seem right to me, but he knows more about Lego than I do.  Mr. Guy knew what he was doing!  He got all twelve of the Muppet characters in the series.  And The Lady also has a few extras to share.  I think Mother’s Day was good day at our house!

The Lady’s picture taking group was supposed to photograph something pink today.  I suggested that we take a picture of with one of her new Muppet minifigures, Miss Piggy, because she is pink.

I read more about Miss Piggy on the Internet.  I’m not sure I really understand her, but I liked this quotes of hers:

I plan to write more books whenever I can find the appropriate writing attire and color-coordinated pen.

I plan to write more!  And I like to find t-shirts appropriate for everything that I do!  Of course I would like to have a blue and orange pen!  Maybe I understand her more than I thought.

I asked if we can watch these Muppets on TV one day soon.  Mr. Guy said that he would watch them with me.  That makes this furry little blue and orange monster happy.

Speaking of happy, Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers and mother figures out there.  I’m sending each of you a big monster hug.