Big and Little

Happy Monday, everyone!

I am happy because today I got to think about big little things and little big things while helping The Lady with her picture.  She was supposed to take a macro photography picture.  This morning I didn’t know what that means.  Now I do!  Macro photography is taking a photo of something little and making it feel great big .  At least that’s the big picture that this little monster got when The Lady tried to explain this to me.  That sounded like fun!  I thought that The Lady might take a picture of this little blue and orange furry monster and make me look as big as a T-Rex, or maybe an elephant.   She said that we needed to find something smaller than me.

Smaller than me?  I am very small.  How would something smaller than me look great big?

We went outside to see what we could find.  I spotted a bright yellow flower and asked The Lady if it was small enough.  She said that it would work nicely for today’s photo.  I gently held the flower’s stem in my claws.  It didn’t look big at all.

The Lady suggested that I look at the flower very closely.  Look at its petals, their shape and color.  Look at its stem.  Look at the place where the stem and the petals meet.

I don’t think I’ve ever looked at a flower so carefully.  All of the sudden this little coreopsis looked as big as a triceratopsis.   It filled my little monster eyes with big amounts of yellow beauty.  This little flower made a big impression on me.

I started wondering if I, a little monster, could make as big an impression on others as this little flower made on me.  The Lady told me that she was sure that I could and  that I likely already had.  She said that I have lots of friends and that I make them smile.  And, making people smile and feel happy, even for just minute, makes a big impression.

I wish that I could make all of the people and monsters and animals happy and smiley all of the time.  It makes me sad when others are sad.  The Lady reminded me that just like with the flower that first looked small and then big to me, one little smile can grow in to many smiles.  That made my little smile grow bigger.

The Lady gave me something else to think about:

Without water drops, there can be no oceans; without steps, there can be no stairs; without little things, there can be no big things! – Mehmet Murat Ildan.

That is a big thought for a little monster, but I will think about it.