Another Month of Me

Let’s try this again!

It is May and time for another Month of Me.  The Lady and I didn’t do well last year with our May posts.  Actually, we didn’t do well with any posts over the last year.  It’s funny to me how that happens.  Sometimes we are excited to write and other times we are not.  The Lady says that it is normal for creative people to go in spits and farts fits and starts when it comes to doing creative things.  Over these last couple years, we’ve had some starts, but I don’t think we’ve had any fits.  We made a deal with each other to do better this year!

I’m a little confused because The Lady said that this is a good week to get back to regular photos and writing because she is supposed to take poor trait pictures all week long.  Hmmm…it seems to me that our not writing this last year is a pretty poor trait.  Why do we want to take pictures of that?  Those would be very sad pictures!  I’m ready to take some happy pictures of me, Mr. Guy, and The Lady doing happy things together.  I asked The Lady why we had to take poor sad pictures.  She explained that it is not  poor traits but that it is only one word with only one “O”…portraits, which are “an artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expressions are predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person.”  “Person?  What about furry little blue and orange monsters?” I asked.  “Monsters, too,” she said.  Well, that’s good.  And, I’m glad to know that we don’t have to waste an “O” and be sad!

I told her that I wanted her to portrait me as a happy little blue and orange furry monster.  That is my personality and my mood…most of the time.  I’m not sure about my likeness.  Does that mean that I like to be happy or that others are happy to like me?  Oh well.  I’m not going to think about that right now.  I guess that is really The Lady’s concern since she is the one portraiting me.

I was excited to have my picture taken until I realized that our house is under destruction and all of my shirts are packed away because I am getting a new room.  I tried very hard to stay a happy little monster on the outside, but my insides were sad without my shirts.  The Lady could tell.  She told me that my orange belly fur is part of my likeness so it would be OK for her to take a picture of me without a shirt.  She also said that we can go shopping for some new shirts that won’t be lost in the destruction zone of our house.  That makes me happy.  I like getting new shirts and it feels funny for all of my fur to show in every picture during my Month of Me.

Yay!  We got one day done!  The Lady told me that the first step is the hardest.  I don’t know if I believe that or not.  It seems to me like the next thirty steps through this month might be harder.  I hope not.  I hope we prevail.  Prevail…that is a new word I learned today.  It means “prove more powerful than opposing forces.”  Opposing forces?  The Lady says that opposing forces are things that make it hard for you to do something.  “Oh!  I understand.  Like laziness and boredom were our opposing forces last year during our May Month of Me and they prevailed so that is why we didn’t write much.”

The Lady rolled her eyes and said, “Somethng like that.”  She also said that it was a good thing that she had already potraited me as happy because right now she said my personality was being precoatish…or something like that.

I didn’t even ask.