
Today I learned about generosity.  I helped The Lady take care of the plants in the yard  and in the greenhouse.  She thanked me for being generous with my time and effort.  I said, “thank you” but really I didn’t know exactly what I was being thankful for.  I thought I should be thanking The Lady for letting me enjoy the plants and flowers with her.

We then had to have a talk about what being generous means.

“Being generous often consists of simply extending a hand. That’s hard to do if you are grasping tightly to your righteousness, your belief system, your superiority, your assumptions about others, your definition of normal.” – Patti Digh

That made sense to me, especially the part about assumptions made about others and what normal means.  When I extend my hand to help Mr. Guy and The Lady, my hand looks very different from theirs.  I have furry blue hands with big orange claws.  Many would say that that this not normal.  But, my furry little monster hands help others just like human hands do even though our hands are not the same.

It makes this furry little blue and orange monster very sad when others are mean because of the way someone is different from them.   I have never met another monster that looks like me.  Most of the time, I like being different.   If the world was filled with all furry little blue and orange monsters or all tall people, or all skinny people, or all white people, or all green people, our surroundings would be very boring…and I wouldn’t be able to find Mr. Guy and The Lady in a crowd because they would look like everyone else!

I wonder if that would really matter.  If Mr. Guy and The Lady looked like everyone else and thought like everyone else and believed exactly the same as everyone else, they wouldn’t be Mr. Guy and The Lady.  They would be Everyone Else.  That would be very sad for this little monster!  I need them to stay special.

The Lady said that our discussion was turning away from generosity to something called being uni-Q.

Hmmm….uni means one.  What does one Q have to do with being generous?

How did we get from five Ks yesterday to one Q today?

And where did the pair of LLs and the Emandenopee go?  I am now more confused than ever!  I’ll be glad when we stop talking about all of these letters and numbers!

Anyone want to play Pictionary with a little monster?