May 2 – Sunday Runday

Our days are all different because of trying to stay healthy during the pandemic.   Mr. Guy and The Lady don’t get up on Sunday mornings and go to church.  They have been watching it on TV.   I kind of like having them home!

The Lady has been getting up on Sundays and going for a run by herself or sometimes for a walk with a friend.  She says that being outside in the fresh air is as good for her spirit as is going to church.  Don’t tell the preacher people that, though!

This morning, The Lady told Mr. Guy and me that she was going to go run a quick 5K before breakfast.  Here we go again with those K’s and fives from yesterday.  I asked her if today’s Ks were dented too.  And , how did we get from a pair of Ls yesterday to five Ks today?  This alphabet stuff is getting very confusing to this little blue and orange furry monster!

The Lady explained to me that Ks are like miles but shorter.  5Ks is the same as 3.1 miles.  None of this makes sense to me, but that is OK.  I don’t run so Ks and miles are just a bunch of letters and numbers to me.

The run that The Lady did today was to benefit an organization called Girls on the Run.  She said that it is a group that helps girls become strong inside and out and to feel good about themselves.  That sounds like a good thing to me!  I think everyone should feel good about themselves.  I know that is hard sometimes so it is great to have people and organizations to help you along the way!

Mr. Guy and I don’t run.  Mr. Guy said he would rather have Zs than Ks and this little monster most definitely is not built for running!  We did our part to support The Lady by staying home and making coffee and breakfast for her for when she finished her Ks.  She is always hungry and thirsty after she runs.  That too is helping a girl to stay strong, right?

So, happy Sunday Runday, or Sunday Non-Runday, whatever the case may be at your house.  As you go about your day,, do something good for someone else.  This always makes for a better day!