I’m Back!

Hi!  Remember me?  I’m still here, but life has not been very exciting for a furry little blue and orange monster over the last year.  I have not been on any fun adventures and I have not met any new people.  I understand that we have had to stay at home because of COVID.  Today, though, I finally got to go on a little adventure!

It is the first day of May.  May has always been my Month of Me, so I am going to try to make May 2021 better than May 2020…well, I’m going to try to make May 2021 better than almost any month of 2020!  I’m hoping to have some fun so that I have something to write about.

Today I got to go with The Lady and Mr. Guy to meet one of The Lady’s friends who is also a former  student.  The Lady was going to help Mr. Johnny study for an important test that he has to take in a week or so.  Since it has been so long since I have been anywhere, I have not been shopping for new t-shirts.  I looked through my closet hoping to find a perfect shirt for today’s adventure.  Because Mr. Johnny is studying for his important test, I wanted to share good vibes with him!

The Lady said that Mr. Johnny’s test was about music stuff.  I thought we were going to go listen to some fun songs and maybe even get to dance a little.  Boy was I wrong!  All they did was talk about music in some foreign language.   Mr. Johnny asked about K dents.  I thought that was a weird question.  How does music dent your K’s?  And for that matter, what do K’s, dented or not,  even have to do with music?  The Lady told me once that music only has the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.  To this little monster, dented K’s don’t seem like they should be a problem in music, but what do I know?  Then they talked about a pair of L’s that come in fives and eights.  No wonder Mr. Johnny was confused!  Even I know that pairs are groups of twos, not fives and eights!  And if the musical alphabet doesn’r go as far as K, it sure doesn’t go all the way to L or LL!  Don’t worry if you don’t understand any of this.  It has to do with the secret language of music theory.  Normal people don’t need to know this language!

They covered all of this in the first few minutes.  I was already so confused that while they continued discussing the rest of Mr. Johnny’s test stuff, I watched the birds and airplanes fly by and helped The Lady drink her coffee.

I’m glad that I am a little monster that does not have to worry about taking tests!  It seems like tests are just something to see how much stuff you can jam into your brain before your head explodes.  My head would explode quickly!  And after the explosion,  all the pieces of my brain would be scattered all around the ground like jigsaw puzzle pieces mixed with blue and orange fur.  I think any person who ever gives me this kind of test should have to put my exploded brain back together to figure out exactly what I knew.   That would be a good test for them, don’t you think?!  Hopefully they would do better than all the kings horses and all the king’s men did with Humpty Dumpty!

Once The Lady and Mr. Johnny finished talking about music, we finally talked about normal stuff like friendship and coffee.

I sure hope that Mr. Johnny does well on his music theory test so that next time we get together we can talk about something that this little  monster understands.