May at My House

Well, it is the last day of May.  I didn’t write every day.  I didn’t even write every other day.  I didn’t write as much as I thought I would.  I have heard people say over and over that these are strange times and that nothing feels the same.  I kind of know what they mean.

The last few years when we did my Month of Me posts during the month of May, we had a lot of adventures to write about.  We went places.  We tried new things.  We met lots of new people. We could not do that this year.  We went to the park a few times, but that was it.  Mostly Mr. Guy, The Lady, and I have stayed at home.  I understand why we need to stay at home and I like having lots of time with Mr. Guy and The Lady, but we haven’t done much that I really wanted to write about.   Mostly I have had a lot of time to think.

This is what I learned while I was thinking…

I don’t like how the middle feels.

Here is what I mean.

When it is cold outside, I can put on a jacket and it makes me warm.  When it is hot, I can wear my shirt with no sleeves and it makes me cool.  When it is not hot and not cold, It feels in the middle and I don’t know what to wear.

When I’m sleepy, I can take a nap.  When I’m wide awake, I can play, play, play.  When I’m not sleepy and I’m not wide awake, I just sit and don’t know what to do.  I’m too awake to sleep and to sleepy to want to play.

When I am happy, I can laugh and smile and bounce around and have lots of fun.  When I am sad, I can crawl up in Mr. Guy or The Lady’s lap and get a great big hug and that makes my sads turn into happys.  When I’m not sad and I’m not really happy either, I don’t know what to feel.  That is how this month has been.  I’m not sad, but I’m not happy like I usually am.  The Lady says than I am feeling “meh.” I don’t really know what that means, but it sounds like a word that doesn’t know what it means, so maybe it is a good word to describe how I feel.

Maybe I need to read that story about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  I think she thought the middle was just right.

Oh well.  May is over and tomorrow will be a new month.  I don’t know what will change other than the month’s name.  I hope I can have a new adventure or two soon.  And maybe a new T-shirt, too.  This is the first month of May where I have not gotten to go shopping for a new shirt.  Maybe that is why I feel “meh.”

Here are a few pictures from May at my house.

I read books…

and I drew some pictures.

I helped The Lady pick out some string so that she can make a blanket.

While she plays with her sticks and string, I play games on the iPad.

I took some naps outside in the sunshine.

And we went to the park on Memorial Day.

That’s all.

Good-bye May.