Having A Ball!

I don’t know how we can be so busy when we can’t go anywhere!  Lots has been going on at our house.  Some of the stuff that was happening was a secret, so I couldn’t write about it until after it wasn’t a secret anymore!

The first secret thing was that Offspring No. 2’s little monster celebrated his first birthday.  Well, his birthday wasn’t a secret, but The Lady and I made some secret stuff to give to him since we couldn’t go to the store to shop for birthday presents.

We made him a big birthday card with paint.  Mr. Guy and The Lady also got him some Lego. We put all the secret stuff in a great big fancy bag.

We went to the Little Birthday Monster’s house to take him his presents, but we could not get close to him.  We still have to worry about that six feet thing and not spreading that virus.  I’m glad we got to go to his house, but I wish we could have played and eaten cake together.

The elephant is the card we made for him.

The next secret thing that happened was Mother’s Day.  Offspring No. 1 showed me the monster socks that she got The Lady as a present.

It sure does take a lot of secrets to give people presents!  I guess that is because presents are supposed to be a surprise.

Speaking of surprises, Mr. Guy and I went out to the garden and I saw little green balls all over one of his plants.  I know at Christmas time people hang balls on trees, but it is May.  And May is not Christmas time.  And at Christmas the balls on the trees are all different colors and festive.  This plant only had green balls and they did not look festive or not even like very pretty decorations.

Mr. Guy told me that they are tomatoes.  They didn’t look like tomatoes to me.  Tomatoes are supposed to be red.  Mr. Guy explained that as they grow and ripen, they will turn red.  Oh!  So when this plant looks like a Christmas tree with red balls, then the tomatoes will be ready for us to eat!

And speaking of balls that we can eat…since we have to stay at home all the time, The Lady and Mr. Guy have been cooking a lot.  The Lady made these funny looking balls for dinner one night last week.  They were called felt awfuls.  Does that sound like something that you want to eat for dinner?

The felt awful balls were kind of green too.  I wondered if they were going to make me turn green and feel awful.  I told The Lady that I did not want to eat her felt awfuls.  She explained that the felt awful balls taste good and are good for me.  She said they were made from lots of  little brown balls called  garbage beans.  No wonder they are called felt awful balls, they are made from garbage!  I did not want to eat garbage!  Suddenly I had no appetite.

Then The Lady said that our dinner balls are falafel, not felt awful, and  were made from garbanzo beans, not garbage beans!  Once I knew that, I tried them and they tasted pretty good.

Some of the plants in our yard have pretty flowers instead of green balls.

The yellow flowers are more cheerful than the green tomatoes!

We finally went to the park again this weekend, but we stayed away from all of the people.

I like looking at the trees.  They are sooo tall!  I’m just a short little furry blue and orange monster.

We also watched the ducks.  I am still looking for a turtle to talk to about sheltering in place, but I haven’t found one yet.

Life sure seems weird right now.  I’m glad that I have Mr. Guy and The Lady to take good care of me.  I sure hope that each of you has ssomeone to be your friend and take care of you.