Looking for Birds

I don’t have very many words today.  I was tired and The Lady was busy working all day.

Our job was to take a picture of a bird.  I sat outside for a little while this afternoon and looked for birds but I didn’t see any before I got too hot.  The little red line thing on our patio went up to a 9 and a 3.  That is very warm for a very furry little blue and orange monster!

So, I decided that I could make a pretend bird instead of finding a real one in the sky or in a tree.  Since The Lady makes a lot of things with her sticks and string, I thought maybe I could do that too.  I found one of her sticks and string picture books and it had a perfect bird…a blue and orange one!

I found some orange and some blue string in The Lady’s big plastic toy box and I found some of her sticks too.  Then I started looking at the sticks and string book.  It did not have real words in it.  It only used K’s and P’s with a few togs and slps.  It reminded me of my text tiles from yesterday when I could not find all the letters to make my words.  This book was missing a lot more than just T’s, though.

Then I thought maybe I could make my bird without using the words in the sticks and string book.  I was wrong.  All I could make was a pile of angry blue and orange snakes.  Boo.  Hiss.

If I knew how to make real things with sticks and string, I would have made this cool bird.  I don’t; so I didn’t.  And, it is the only bird I saw today.