“T” is for…

Now that it is May, I ask the same questions every morning when I get up.  What are we having for breakfast?   What are we taking pictures of today?

This morning, Mr. Guy told me that we were having eggs and toast for breakfast and that today’s picture was going to be text tiles.  I was excited!  I like eggs and toast and I had the perfect idea for our picture because I have lots of text tiles.

Because I like words, Mr. Guy and The Lady gave me some text tiles to help me learn my letters.  I like the text tiles because I can play with them all by myself…unless I don’t know the letters in a word I want to make.  Then I have to ask for help.  After I ate my breakfast, I got my text tiles out and thought about our picture.

I know how to make the letters spell the words blue, and orange, and and, and monster.  Using my tiles to spell those words for my picture seemed like a perfect idea!

I made all of my words except for one.  I could not find a “T” for the word monster.

Just about the time I was getting very frustrated, Mr. Guy came and asked me what I was doing.  I explained that I was working on our text tile photo, but I could not find a “T.”  Isn’t it kind of funny that in something called Text Tlies there are no T’s?

Mr. Guy found me the T that I needed.

Now we could take our picture!

Mr. Guy was not as excited as I was.  I asked him what was wrong.  He said, “Well…I have a little bit of bad news.”  That is never a good thing to hear!  He said,  “Our picture is not supposed to be of text tiles that are two words.  It is supposed to be text tiles that are one word.”  I had no idea what he was talking about but I figured I would have to pick just one of the words I made with my text tiles.  That was easy.  I told Mr. Guy, “Okay.  We can just use monster since we made that one together.”  He said to me, “I’m sorry, but our picture isn’t supposed to be about words at all.”  Now I was really confused.

Mr. Guy explained that textiles, one word, are what our clothes and blankets and other soft stuff are made from.  I asked him if my t-shirts were textiles and he told me that they were.  OK.  So today would be just a t-shirt photo day.  Then The Lady said that I could wear my dress-up clothes if I wanted to because textiles can be more fancy than t-shirts.  That sounded more promising.  Then The Lady gave me her bad news.

Our photo had to be in black and white.

Yuck!  I do not like black and white pictures!  I am a furry little BLUE and ORANGE monster not a black and white monster.  Black and white are OK if those are your real colors.  What would people who are black and white think if I took pictures of them and made them blue and orange?  I bet they wouldn’t like it much.  Well, that is how I feel.

But, since we have a deal to all do this Month of May project together, I played along like a good little monster, at least on the outside.  My insides were not really being very good.

How do you like my textiles?

I just want to say that black and white will never be the new orange and blue!