Making New Friends

It has been more than a month and we still can’t go anywhere because of the corona virus.  Since we are all stuck at home, I thought that The Lady would have lots of time to do stuff with me; but, all she does is work all day long.  I sit in the den with my books and my toys and watch her work.  Don’t tell her I said this, but when she went to school everyday and said that she was very busy, I didn’t believe her.  Now I do!  By the time she is done with her work and we have dinner and clean up the kitchen, it is time for this little monster to go to bed.  This Safer At Home stuff may indeed be safe, but it is not a very fun time for me.

I did learn something yesterday that made me happy, though.  I know that after I go to bed at night, The Lady sits in her chair and plays with her sticks and string.  I know this because when I get up in the morning, there is string everywhere.  Sometimes it’s little pieces.  Sometimes it is big balls.  She has a basket with lots of colors of string in it..and all of .her string colors don’t match very well.  I have never been sure if she makes real useful stuff with her sticks and string or if she just ties lots of knots.  Then yesterday, she posted on Facebook that she had made a new friend.  Apparently she made this new friend with her sticks and string at night while I was sleeping.  I had not met this new friend of hers before and was kind of surprised.  It made me happy, though,  that lots of people on Facebook were concerned about my feelings about this new friend of hers.

His name is Louis.  Louis and I have some things in common and some things not in common.  Louis is made of gray and white string.  I am made of blue and orange fur.  Louis’s clothes are also made of string.  My clothes are made of t-shirts.  Well, most of them.   I do have one sweater made of string that my friend Ms. Joni made for me with her sticks and string.  My sweater is orange just like Louis’s sweater.  I am much bigger than Louis, though,  so I won’t have to worry about him borrowing my t-shirts.  That makes me happy.  I don’t mind sharing…well…maybe I do mind just a little.  My shirts are all very special to me.  They wouldn’t be special to him.

Another thing that Louis and I have in common is that we both have horns.  His are tiny gray horns compared to my big orange ones.  I guess that makes sense since the rest of me is also bigger tham him.

Louis and I talked today.  I told him about my adventures with Mr. Guy and The Lady.  He said that he was not interested in that kind of adventure.  He likes to sleep during the daytime and stay up all night.  That seems strange to me. Maybe that is because The Lady made him at night.   If he sleeps during the day and I sleep during the night, Louis and I will not see each other very much.  That might be OK with me.  I kind of like having Mr. Guy and The Lady all to myself when we go on adventurers.  Does this make me a selfish furry little blue and orange monster?  I hope not.  I don’t want to be selfish.  But I was here first.  I sure hope Mr. Guy and The Lady don’t ever think about getting another monster that likes to be awake during the daytime and to go on adventures!!!