May 27 – Feeling Blue

Someone asked me if I was feeling blue.  I happily replied that I feel blue every single day.  They looked surprised and said, “I’m sorry.”   I should feel blue., shouldn’t I?   I am blue.  I’m a furry blue monster!  Then this person said, “It is no fun being sad all the time.”

I’m not sad all of the time!  I am hardly ever really sad.  Sometimes little things make me sad for a minute or two, but I am a happy little furry blue and orange monster almost all the time.

The Lady told me that when people are sad, sometimes they say that they are feeling blue.  Why blue, I wondered?  I think maybe black or brown or gray are sad colors.  Not blue!  The sky is blue when it is happy!  It is gray when it is stormy and unhappy.

The ocean and lakes are blue when they are  happy.

I pretty sure blueberries are happy.

The Lady said that blue also makes people think about trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, faith, and intelligence.  I like these things more than sadness.  It is strange how one color can mean so many different feelings.

When someone wins first place in a contest or a race, they get a blue ribbon and they are happy about that.  They are feeling blue but not blue, winner’s blue but definitely not sad blue.

I have heard people say that something happened “out of the blue.”  Does that mean that whatever happened fell out of the big blue sky?

What about a true blue friend?  I don’t have any friends who have blue fur like me, so I guess you could so that I have no true blue friends, but the Lady says that a true blue friend is one that is loyal and trustworthy.  If that is true, then I have lots of true blue friends.  I am a true blue friend no matter how you think about the word blue!

Words are funny things.  I don’t know if I will ever understand them all.

I am happy that I am blue every day!  Blue with a little orange…