May 21 – Barns, Books, and Bills

Today we went to Barns and No Bills.  I wasn’t sure why we were going to visit barns.  Mr. Guy always say that he feels like he lives in a zoo at our house, especially when the canines are being wild.  It would not have surprised me if we were going to a zoo with no bills.  He might have been looking for a place to send the canines for summer camp or something.  I guess they could go to a barn too.  Barns are on farms and farms have canines on them.  A zoo or a barn where Mr. Guy doesn’t have bills for the canines’ to go to summer camp would be great!

When we got to the place where the barns were supposed to be, I didn’t see any animals.  I didn’t see any fences or pastures…or barns.  Mr. Guy carried me into the first barn and it was full of books!  It was a book barn!  All of the books had their own special corrals just like the animals have in an animal barn.  A barn full of books and no bills is far better than a canine summer camp with no bills!

This barn had a special corral just for little monsters.  All of the books in it were written just for me!

All of the tables and chairs in this special corral were the perfect size for me, too!

There was also a grownup size chair where Mr. Guy could sit and tell me a story.  I felt like I was at school, not in a barn.

Not only were there books here, there were also toys!  The Lady likes to play with the Lego toys.

Mr. Guy likes trains.  There were trains that he and I played with for a little while.

I think that The Lady has Lego trains at our house.  Maybe this summer she will put her trains together and Mr. Guy and I can play with them!  Mr. Guy doesn’t like to put Lego together and my claws were not made to play with Lego.  But, I can play with the trains once The Lady has them all put together!

After we got done with looking at books and trains in the little monster corral, Mr. Guy had to go to another corral to look at books for him.  Once he found what he wanted, he said that we had to go pay for our things.  That didn’t make any sense!  Why did we have to pay for stuff at the No Bills Barn?  Mr. Guy told me that I was unclear on the whole concept here.  Apparently so.  We don’t usually have to pay for our books.  The library lets us read them for free.  Mr. Guy said that that was true, but the library doesn’t let you keep the books.  You have to read them and then give them back.  These books he gets to read and then keep in case he wants to read them again.  That makes sense.  This must be how we got all the books in our library at home.  Mr. Guy and The Lady paid for them, but now they share them with other people who get to read them for free.

I still don’t completely understand the whole Barn and No Bills part of this place we went today, but I had fun so that makes it another good day for this furry little blue and orange monster!

I hope you had a good day!