May 19 – A Smiley Sunshiny Day

Today was a sunshiny day both outside and in my heart!  After church, I got to go out for lunch with Mr. Guy, The Lady, and a couple of their best friends.  We went to a place called Potbelly’s.  The name makes me laugh.  They serve delicious sandwiches there.

When we sat down to eat, all of the sudden my 100 People Project popped into my head.  A couple years ago, I decided that I was going to try to have my picture taken with 100 different people, some who I know and some who were strangers.  I haven’t taken any of these pictures since I was in Alaska last year, and I haven’t even posted those yet.  I have been a super lazy little monster.  But, The Lady always tells me to begin again where you are; so, that’s what I did today.  I am beginning where I am, with #45/100, Ms. Wendy.

Ms. Wendy is one of Mr. Guy and The Lady’s best friends.  She is part of “our village,” a group of nine friends, and this furry little blue and orange monster, who all go to church together, share a meal every Sunday, and look after each other.  Ms. Wendy is also a musician like The Lady, but Ms. Wendy blows into a silver tube to make music and The Lady blows into a black tube.  Sometimes they blow into their tubes at the same time and make pretty music together.  I was surprised that I didn’t already have a picture with Ms. Wendy, but I didn’t.  Today I fixed that and I am a happy little monster who, like my shirt says, is feelin’ awesome!

The Lady needed to take a picture “With Words” today for her picture taking group.  I offered to write her some words, but she said that we had to find already written words on a sign or something.  That could be kind of fun.

While Mr. Guy, The Lady, Ms. Wendy and Mr. Todd went to order their food, I decided to be a helpful monster and got napkins for our table.  When I put them down, I noticed that they had words on them.  The words made me laugh a little.  Then I had a great idea…I could surprise The Lady and use her cell phone and take a picture of me with the napkin and its words.  I think when you do this it is called a Cell Fee.

I see people all the time taking pictures of themselves with their cell phones.  I wonder what they do with them.  Do you have to pay for them and that is why they are called Cell Fees?  Or do the people that you give them to have to pay for them?   I could take my picture and sell it to the Lady for a fee to earn money to buy a new t-shirt…except that my picture would be on The Lady’s cell phone and she already buys my shirts for me.  What do others do with their Cell Fees?

This Cell Fee thing is hard!  First I only got half of the words, which were the important part of my picture.  Then I only got half of me.  I couldn’t figure out how to get all of the words and all of me.  I think my monster arms may be too short.  This is the best that I could do.  Maybe Cell Fees are not for me.  Mine are more like Cell Frees!  No money will be exchanged.  Despite all that, I do clean up nicely, just like the napkin says!

Mr. Guy cleans up nicely too!

When we went to fill up Mr. Guy’s cup, we found the perfect sign for The Lady’s picture for today.

The people at Potbelly like to make people smile and so do I!  This sign made me smile.  Another thing that made me smile is that The Lady took this picture instead of Mr. Guy or me trying to take another Cell Fee!

I had a lot to smile about today.  I hope that you had smiles in your day too!