May 18 – A Rainy Day

Today was a very stormy day at my house.  There was wind and rain and thunder and lightening.  It was sort of scary but also fun to watch.  I watched mostly from the front porch.  I have a yellow raincoat, but it was raining so hard that I don’t think that raincoat would have kept my fur dry so I stayed where I knew I would be dry.  Having wet fur makes me sad.

It rained hard like this for two hours!  That is a lot of rain.  My yard almost looked like it was a bay, almost like the bay in Delaware!  I thought I might see boats and fish at any minute.  When the rain stopped for a little bit, I went outside with the canines to see if there really were any fish.

When I looked in the water I saw something!  I didn’t look like a fish.  It looked like a monster!  Maybe it was the Loch Ness Monster that is on my shirt that Ms. Rene gave me!  How did Nessie get all the way from Scotland to Texas???

Mr. Guy explained that I was not seeing the Loch Ness monster in our yard.  I was looking at a reflection of myself.  Do I look like the Loch Ness monster?  Does anyone really know what it looks like?

While I was outside looking for fish and finding monsters, it started to rain again.  I ran to keep dry under the garden frog’s umbrella.

He was very kind to share with me, but I was still getting wet.  My horns are like water slides for rain drops!  I decided to run as fast as I could back into the house.  That is where I stayed for most of the day.

Once I was sure that the rain had stopped for good, I went back outside, again with the canines.  The big canine likes to play ball outside!  I looked around at all of our flowers.

They looked very sad.  We had so much hard rain that they were all bent over.  Some were even broken off and lying on the ground.  I thought the rain was supposed to nourish the plants, make them happy and healthy.  Our flowers didn’t look healthy or happy.  Maybe too much rain for the flowers is like too much pizza and cake for me.  Food is supposed to make me strong and healthy, but if I have too much of it, I don’t feel good either.  I just want to lay down just like the flowers.

I think tomorrow is going to be a nuce sunny day here in Texas.  We’ll see what kind adventure awaits this little furry blue and orange monster!