May 7 – A Day In The Life…

Today I went to school…or is it work or is it schoolwork…with The Lady.  I spent some time in her office.  She has lots of stacks of paper and lots of books in there.  I tried to read them, but her papers and books make no sense to this little blue and orange furry monster.  Her books don’t have letters and words and sentences in them.  All they have are dots and lines and squiggles, lots of dots and lines, and squiggles…and her books don’t have any fun pictures!  The Lady said that her books have music in them.  That makes no sense to me!  Music is something that I listen to, not something that I look at in a book.  The Lady explained that that was true, but the people who play the music for me to listen to have to know what sounds to play.  That is what her books of dots and squiggles tell them.  Hmmm…those dots and lines and squiggles are sounds?  I am even more confused now.  Reading music, The Lady says, is like learning to read another language.  To me, it is like reading a language that looks like what happens when my pen explodes and makes a mess all over my paper while I’m trying to write real letters and real words!

After we worked in her office, well, after she worked, The Lady took me to one of her classes.  I was excited about getting to meet new people and maybe listening to some music.  Nope.  The Lady and her class just looked at those dots and lines and squiggles on the paper and said things like, “That’s a G.” and “That’s a 5.”  I was so confused!!!  I saw no “g’s” or “5’s” or “a’s” or “b’s” or “c’s” for that matter.  Those students must be secret agents or something because they knew that all of those dots and lines and squiggles meant letters and numbers.  I think maybe this little monster needs to stick to reading things that use real “abc’s” and not secret code “abc’s.” I don’t think I should go to school to be a secret agent.

Even though I didn’t understand anything that The Lady’s class was talking about, they were very nice to me and didn’t laugh at me for not knowing how to read their secret language; and, they even let me be in their class picture.  

I can pretend that I know something about being a music theory secret agent because I am in the picture with all the people who are real secret agents because they know how to read the secret code!

I hope I get to meet The Lady’s secret agents students again.  Maybe they will teach me a little bit of their language so that I can sing a song with them!