May 2 – The Story of “T” and Biscuits

Wow!  I have forgotten how much work it is to help The Lady with her picture taking!  Now I know why Mr. Guy is glad that it is May and I have to be in the pictures instead of him!

Since I knew that The Lady has to take pictures of red stuff this week, I found a red shirt this morning so I would be ready for pictures when she got home from school.  I am trying to be a helpful little monster.  I asked what kind of red stuff she had to find today.  She said, “Red puppies.”  I thought to myself for a minute.  Red puppies are going to be hard.  All of the puppies at our house are brown and black and white.   Then I remembered seeing a book at the store about a red puppy.  His name was Clifford.  I was so excited that I had thought of a red puppy for The Lady to take a picture of. 
In my proud little monster voice I said to The Lady, “I think that you should take a picture of Clifford!”  

The Lady looked at me strangely.  “Clifford?” she asked.

“Yes!  Clifford!  He is a red puppy, or maybe he is a dog but that is close enough, and you need a picture of a red puppy.”

The Lady smiled and said, “Not a red PUPPY, a red POPPY!”

This little furry blue and orange monster had no idea what a POPPY was.  The Lady told me that it is a kind of flower.  I asked if we had any red POPPIES and she said, “No.  We’ll have to find some other kind of red flower.”

Like me, The Lady likes blue and orange so I wasn’t sure we had any red flowers in our garden.

She told me that she had impatients.  Impatients?!  That hurt my little monster feelings.  I have been trying to be helpful and she told me that I am giving her impatients.  I said that I was sorry for giving her impatients.

This time she laughed harder than before and gave me a great big hug and told me that I was not giving her impatients.  “We have I-M-P-A-T-I-E-N-S without a “T”.  They are a kind of flower!”

Those two words sure do sound the same to me!  But OK.  So we went outside and she showed me the Impatiens without a “t”!

I don’t like this picture of me with these flowers without a “t.”  The flowers look good, but I am blurry.  The Lady said that she did this on purpose because her picture was supposed to be of the red flowers.  She also said that I was blurry because of something specific she did with her camera.  She used a big word that I’m pretty sure had the “t” in it that the flowers didn’t use, but I have no idea what that word was.  All I knew is that, whatever she did, I didn’t like being blurry.  I asked if we could take another picture of me.

The Lady suggested we try some photos with high biscuits.  I guess she gave up on flowers.  I know what biscuits are, but I wasn’t sure about “high” biscuits.  The I remembered that I was wearing my shirt from Scotland that Ms. Rene gave me when we met her in England.  It has a special monster from Scotland on it.  

The Lady must have been thinking about  England and how they have high tea in the afternoon.  And how in England they call cookies biscuits.  The English eat the biscuits at high tea.  Now I understood why The Lady thought about high biscuits. But, I have never seen any kind of red biscuits, high or otherwise.   I do know that in England sometimes they put jam on their biscuits and jam can be red.  Maybe biscuits with red jam are “high” biscuits.   It was all starting to make sense until The Lady said that we had to go to the greenhouse, which is white, to find the high biscuits.  I followed along.

We got to the greenhouse and The Lady pointed and said that the high biscuits had a little red on them.  They would do.  I didn’t see any biscuits.  The Lady pointed again and asked me to stand by the high biscuits and she would take a picture in which I was not blurry.  All I saw was a big flower with red in the middle.  I asked her where the biscuits were.

Now the Lady looked confused.  “Biscuits?” she said.

“Yes.  You said that we were going to take pictures with high biscuits!”

Now she understood.

“Not high biscuits.  HIBISCUS.  They are flowers.  Those flowers right there.

I stood by the HIBISCUS and The Lady took my picture.

Now I want biscuits with red jam!  

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