It’s May Again!

Hi!  Remember me?  Probably not.  Well, I’m Blueper B and I’m back.

I used to write a lot of stories with the help of The Lady, but she has been so busy that we have not written together in a long time.  That made me a super sad little monster, but I didn’t want to hurt The Lady’s feelings so I never said anything to her about feeling sad.  Then a couple weeks ago, she and I were talking and The Lady told me that she too was sad because we had not written our stories together in a very long time.  We made a packed, or is it packed an agreement, whatever it is, we made one and promised each other that we would get back to writing together often.

For the last couple of years every single day during the month of May, The Lady has taken a picture of me and I, with her help, write a story about my day and her picture.  This makes May my favorite month!  We decided that the first day of May would be a good day for us to get back on track.  Since that is today, here we are!  I am so excited!

I never even posted my pictures from my trip to I’ll Ask Her Alaska from last summer.  I have them and I tried to write some by myself, but I need The Lady’s help.  Sometimes my words don’t work right and my stories sound funny.  She said that we will work on those old stories along with some new ones.  I was afraid that I would forget all the things that happened in Alaska, but I had such a good time that I don’t think that I will never forget that trip!

The Lady has to take pictures of red stuff this week because that is what her picture taking people say she has to do.  I am not red, but she said she would take my picture anyway.  The Lady said that furry little blue and orange monsters can always be in her pictures even if the picture taking people want the pictures to be red.

I did find one of my favorite t-shirts for today’s picture.  It has some red on it.  I like what this shirt says, especially the red part.  I try to be a good little monster.  I try to make people and other little monsters happy.  I know I make Mr. Guy and The Lady happy.  But sometimes, it is hard for me to believe that the whole world is a good and happy place.  There are lots of people who seem sad, more sad than The Lady and me about not writing.  There are also people who seem mad for reasons that I don’t know.  And there are also people who are mean.  Mr; Guy and The Lady try to keep me away from mean people.  I am thankful that I have met lots of super nice people in all of my travels and not any really mean people.  That is why I can still wear this shirt!

When I look around outside, I see that the flowers and the trees and the bushes and the butterflies are good too!  Since The Lady needed lots of red in her picture today, we went for a walk in our yard looking for red things.  I spied the pretty red maple tree.  It had just rained so there were lots of little rain dots on the leaves.  I think I look pretty good with the leaves and their dots.  Do you think that our colors crash together?  I hope that this little red tree and and this little blue and orange furry monster will BE THE GOOD IN THE WORLD!

Thank you for reading today’s story.  I hope you will come back and visit my blog again.  Maybe I can make you smile just a little extra!

Monster hugs,
Blueper B.