41/100 Papa Murphy

Wow!  It is August already!  That is hard to believe.  This little blue and orange monster has had a busy summer!  I should have posted some of my pictures before now.  Maybe all of the heat here in Texas melted my time away.  I was busy back in May.  Then I was thinking about being busy again with other things.  Then I was recovering from being busy.  Now I am un-busy and rested and ready to share about the things I did when I was busy!

I’ve also been doing a little work on my 100 People Project.  I didn’t think it would take me so long to finish it!  Don’t tell anyone, but I really think it is The Lady’s fault and not mine that we are only on person #41.  I know she is busy too.  But not THAT busy!

Anyway…This is Papa Murphy.

I met him for the first time last summer when I went to New York City with The Lady and Offspring No. 2.  He is a happy and funny guy and Mr. Papa Murphy likes me!  We went to NYC to see Playwright Mandy’s show that was being performed.  I was excited to visit NYC for the first time and go to a play and get to meet the person who wrote the play.  I did a photo with Playwright Mandy.  She was person #36.  

I should have a take a picture with Papa Murphy then too, but I didn’t.  

I have been thinking….

Playwright Mandy might be getting kind of famous because she has written more plays since I saw her last year and some of them have also been performed in New York.  But you know what?  She couldn’t have done that without Papa Murphy.  He’s her dad so he helped make her.  He also helps with all the behind the scenes stuff when her plays are being produced in New York.  He told me a story about carrying furniture on the subway.  I rode the New York subway.  I don’t think a sofa and the subway go together.  Papa Murphy should know that too.  He lives in Texas where we have pickup trucks for that sort of thing!!!

Speaking of Texas…Playwright Mandy used to live in Texas, back before I lived in Texas.  She moved to New York about the time I moved to Texas.  I don’t think those two things are related.  Papa Murphy, her dad, still lives in Texas.  So, back in June, Mr. Guy and The Lady took me to have dinner with Papa Murphy.  I was excited because finally I could take a picture with him since I forgot to do that in New York.

The sign in our picture says “Two Guys from Italy,” but we are not from Italy.  Papa Murphy is from Texas and so am I, now.  I have lived here a lot longer than I was in Delaware, so I call myself a Texas monster. My Guy said the sign is talking about the guys who made our food.  They are from Italy.  I don’t know how those two guys from Italy got our food all the way across the Atlantic Ocean and it was still hot!  And the bread was super fresh.  I guess I don’t need to worry about that.  That is their job, not mine.  I was polite and said “thank you” to them for preparing the delicious meal for us…however that happened.

I am glad that I got to see Papa Murphy here in Texas.  Maybe I will have another chance to go to NYC and see him and Playwright Mandy there.  Next time, I will remember to take a picture of all three of us at the same time!