Monster Hunting

Yesterday we went for a walk in the park…just me, Mr. Guy, and The Lady.

It was a nice day.  Not too hot and not too cold.  While we were walking on the paths, I kept seeing these funny looking little monsters running around on the ground and then all of the sudden they would walk right up the trunks of the trees.  I don’t think I have ever noticed these creatures before.  They were sort of furry like me, especially their tails.  I don’t have a furry tail, or any tail.  But these monsters tails were like my all-over fur.  They were brown, not blue and orange, and did not have horns.  But, they did have claws kind of like mine only smaller.  Well, all of these monsters were smaller than me; I guess that’s why their claws were smaller.  Mr. Guy and The Lady were busy talking about stuff so I didn’t interupt ask them about these crazy little critters.  I just watched them run around.

When I got home, I asked the canine if she had ever seen such a monster.  She knew all about these furry little brown monsters!  She said that they like to swing on the bird feeders and dump seeds all over the ground and that when all of the bird food is gone, they like to eat the cushions on the patio furniture.  No wonder these critters are crazy.  Their brains don’t seem to be nourished correctly.

The canine said that it is a lot of fun to chase these little monsters.  She sits outside all morning and watches them run up and down the trees and across the fences.  The canine also said that she really wants to catch one of them.  I’m not sure why that is so important to her and I was afraid to ask.  She told me that if the two of us worked together maybe we could catch one.  Maybe we could, but why do we want to?  Are they magic?  Maybe like leprechauns?  Does she want to adopt her own little furry monster like The Lady and Mr. Guy adopted me?

This morning, the canine asked me to go outside with her and watch for the little brown and furry monsters.  We watched and watched.  They were up in the trees.  Then they were in the garden.  Then they were on the roof.  Then they were running along the fence.  Then they were sitting right in the middle of the patio just a few feet from us.  

We didn’t catch one.

The canine told me to go stand guard at the fence.

When I got to the fence, they all disappeared up the tree.

The canine suggested that I climb up the tree after them.  Do I look like I can climb a tree?  Monkeys climb trees.  Not furry little blue and orange monsters.  The canine said it was time for furry little blue and orange monsters to learn a new skill.  I didn’t want to disappoint her, so I tried.

I was not successful.

I got stuck and Mr. Guy had to come rescue me.  The canine laughed at me.  

And the little brown monster laughed at me.

From now on, the canine is on her own with the furry little brown monsters.  They are no fun!  

And the canine isn’t much fun either.

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