Our First Week of Summer Vacation

It sure was nice having all of my people home this week.  It was weird…we didn’t do anything really special, but everything felt special because we all got to do all of the not special stuff together.  I hope that makes sense.

We did not have to wake up when it was still dark outside.  We got to sit on the patio and read the paper and do the puzzles together.  Mr. Guy and The Lady got to drink LOTS of coffee together.  I had my orange juice.  Everyone, except Mr. Guy,  knows that orange drinks taste so much better than brown drinks!

We went shopping.  The Lady got a strange new watch.  I think she got it because she needed someone like Mr. Guy’s Alexa friend to talk to.  The Lady’s new friend, who gets strapped to her arm, is named Siri.  I guess that’s no more strange than being named Blueper B.

I picked out a blue band for The Lady and I made Siri’s square face orange.  That will remind The Lady of me.  I would rather her think about and talk to me, a little blue and orange furry monster, than her new friend, Siri the watch, that gets to go everywhere with her.

We also worked a lot in the greenhouse.  I don’t know why Mr. Guy and The Lady call it the greenhouse.  It is not green.  It is white.  Well, most of it is not even white; it’s clear because it is glass.  The stuff inside of it is green, but not the house part.  The green stuff inside is the only green part.  Is the White House called the White House because the people inside are supposed to all be white?

I think our not green house should be called the fun house.  I had fun watering the plants and digging in the dirt and looking at all of the colors, green and lots of others.  We go out to the fun house at least two times every day because the plants and flowers need a drink.  They don’t drink orange or brown stuff.  Their drink is the same color as their house – clear!  Do they drink white drinks in the White house?  Maybe vanilla milkshakes?

Even though The Lady did no have to go to work this week, she did have to go practice singing.  Mr. Guy and I had guy bonding time while she sang.  We played games on Mr. Guy’s phone while we waited for The Lady to be done.

The next day, The Lady and I made muffins.  Mostly she made them and I ate them.  I liked the muffins a lot because they had orange food in them.  Well not orange food like an orange that grows on a tree; a different orange food.  It was called carrot.  I liked it a lot!

Today I got to go with Mr. Guy to a Farmers Market.  I didn’t know why we were going to that place.  We are not farmers.  Even though Mr. Guy grows stuff in his fun house, I don’t think he is a farmer.  Farmers have cows and tractors.  We don’t have wither of those things.  He told me he had to go because he was bored at the library.  Hmm…so if you don’t like to read books, they turn you into a farmer?  I’m glad I like books.  I don’t think Id like being a farmer.

We went to this market and he was telling all the people he saw about how much fun the library is and all about the cool stuff you can do there.  This didn’t seem right.  He was bored yet he was telling all the other people how fun the library is?  Was Mr. Guy telling lies to all of the farmers at the market?  

I wasn’t going to say anything about this to him, but finally I had to.  I asked him why he was telling people that the library was fun when he was bored there.  He told me that he was not bored; he was on the B-O-A-R-D.   He likes the library a lot.  His kind of board is for people who want to make the library an even more fun place.  He said that all of the farmers could come.  In fact, he told everyone he met at the market that they could come to his library.

I sure am glad that we got that cleared up!  I was afraid that I wouldn’t get to go to the library and get new books anymore!  Then I would be bored!

Now I am looking forward to the rest of our summer vacation together!