Late Night Reading

Offspring No. 1 likes books a lot!  She tried to share some of her books with me, but I don’t understand them.  They are called science friction and they have great big words that this little blue and orange furry monster does not know.  Since I can’t read those books, she showed me in our library where the books for little monsters are.  

She thought I might like some by a doctor who sues people.  I don’t know why she thought that.  And anyway, I didn’t think doctors sued people.  I thought lawyers sued doctors.  Maybe these books are science friction for little monsters.  There science could be the doctor part and the friction the lawyer part.  I still wasn’t sure I would like these stories, but Offspring No. 1 said that she liked them when she was little like me.

When I opened the book, the words were not too hard for me.  I was surprised by that and also that  there were no words about doctors or lawyers.  The book was about an elephant and specks of dust.  Hmmm…I guess that is kind of about science – zoology and dustology.  And there was a little friction between the elephant and a monkey and a kangaroo.  But no one ever got sued.  The book ended with everyone living happily ever after.  I don’t think people are happy after they get sued.

My favorite part of the book is when the elephant says, “A person’s a person no matter how small.”  I think that means monsters too.  

I hope Offspring No. 1 doesn’t tell Mr. Guy and The Lady that I was reading when I was supposed to be in bed asleep.  The Offspring said it would probably be okay if they found out.  When she was little she used to stay up late reading books too.  Since Mr. Guy and The Lady like books too so I probably wouldn’t get in trouble if they knew I snuck out of bed to read a book.  It would be different if I was playing with Lego or watching HGTV.  Then I would be in trouble.