Happy Mother’s Day

I spent a happy weekend with my family, all of them, the two-legged ones, the four-legged ones, the furry ones and the bald ones.  I love all of my people and monsters!  I’m really happy that The Lady is my mom – even if I do have to share her with lots of others!  I think she has enough love for us all.  I also think that she got lots of practice being a mom with the Offsprings.  By the time I got here, they were all grown up and she was an expert mom.  I don’t know if The Offsprings would agree with me on that, though.

Isn’t it funny that even though it was Mother’s Day, we have a photo with Mr. Guy, me, and the four-legged monsters.  That is because The Lady says that she would much rather be behind the camera than in front of it.

My family and I wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day!  This means all mothers!  Those of offspring, those of furry little blue and orange monsters, those of four-legged furry babies, and all those that have given of themselves to be a mother figure in the life of someone else.