A Month of Me: Day 11 –

Yay!  Today was The Lady’s last day of school!  She is not teaching summer school this year, so she won’t have to go to school every day over the summer.  She may only go one or two days a week and maybe not even that every week.  That makes this little blue and orange furry monster very happy!  The Lady, Mr. Guy, and I will have lots of time together to work on our projects!  My number one project is to not be a neglected monster.   Once we all get a good start on that then we can move on to bigger and more exciting things.

I know that one of The Lady’s projects is to keep exercising.  Unfortunately I think she wants to spend lots of time on the dreadmill treadmill.  I want to find some other kind of exercise, like maybe jacks, or juggling,  or maybe just playing catch.  When The Lady got home today, she told me that we could play for a little while before she had to leave to play for Commencement…I have a question about that that I’ll get back to in a minute…

I found this orange ball in the kitchen.  It is my favorite color!  I thought it was perfect for playing catch.  

The Lady: That’s not a toy; its an orange.

Me: I know its orange.  That’s why I like it!

The Lady:  No!  It’s an orange!

Me: It’s not any kind of special orange.  It’s just orange!

The Lady: It’s an orange that you eat.

Me: Oh! Like an