Waiting for What?

The Lady has a flat square box that she stands on sometimes.  Some days she smiles when she looks at it and some days she doesn’t.  The Lady told me that this flat square box tells her how much her wait is.  I’m not quite sure what she is waiting for.  Maybe Christmas.  Maybe breakfast.  Maybe for the Amazon guy to deliver something.  Maybe for a trip.  She could be waiting for lots of things.  

What I wonder is how the box knows for which of those things it is supposed to tell her her wait.  

She doesn’t talk to the square box like Mr. Guy does his cylinder box in the kitchen.  The cylinder box even has a name, Alexa.  Mr. Guy really likes talking to his cylinder box.  And it likes talking to him too.  It tells him all kinds of stuff like jokes and what is going on in the news.  Mr. Guy says that sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between jokes and the news.  He can ask his friend Alexa, the cylinder box, how long he has to wait for Christmas.  Or how long his food has to cook.  And it knows.  The Lady’s square box is not not as friendly or as smart as Mr. Guy’s cylinder box.

This furry little blue and orange monster would rather talk to friends than either a flat box or cylinder box.  I prefer to just ask Mr. Guy or The Lady how long I have to wait for stuff.