Flowers and Fixes

The Lady is in her final week.  No wait…that sounds bad…in her FINALS week, her last week of school and she is very busy and sleepy and kind of grouchy…but don’t tell her I said that.  Last night she didn’t have time to help me write because she had to scribble in purple ink all over a bunch of papers.  They were not very pretty when she was done.  I think the papers might have looked better if she had used blue and orange ink to color on them.

Last night before we had dinner, we did go outside to look at the garden.  There was a tree with some new flowers on it.  The flowers were great big and had Christmas lights in them.  Don’t they look light Christmas lights in the middle?

The Lady said that it is not a Christmas light; those are parts of the flower called stick-mans and stay-mans.  Those names don’t make any senseto me, but I think that’s what she said.  They sure look more like Christmas lights than they do any kind of man – stick or staying.  Maybe they are stick-mans and stay-mans because these flowers are called Man-gos.  But wait if it’s Man-gos, why do they have stay-mans?  And does the stick-man stay or go?  I’m so confused.

Hold on a minute while I go ask The Lady to explain all of this to me…

I now know more about these Christmas light flowers than I ever wanted to.  They are called MAGNOLIAS, not man-gos.  And the Christmas light part is stigmas and stamen.  I’m still confused, but at least now I don’t have to worry about stick men coming and going.  


I like to go get the recycling stuff and presents out of brick box in our front yard.  I still don’t know why the guy in the little white truck always brings back and stuffs the brick box with all the recycling stuff that Mr. Guy had put out in the blue bin for the big white truck to take away.  I think these guys are all confused about what is staying and what is going!  The recycling is supposed to go away.  The guy in the little white truck brings more recycling than he does good stuff, but you never know when the good stuff will come so we have to look every day to see what he left after Mr. Guy puts the recycling back in the blue bin.

Today there was a big package in the brick box.  I was excited because I thought it might be something for me. I haven’t gotten a package in a long time.  

I looked at the name on the package and it did not say Blueper B.  It said Kris B.  (That’s The Lady’s other name.)  I was sad that the present wasn’t for me.  I need some new t-shirts.  The Lady said that it was new clothes for her from a place called Stitch Fix.

Stitch Fix?  

If the clothes are new, why do they already need to be fixed?  Maybe this is one of those things like when The Lady gets boxes full of lots of balls of string and tells me its a sweater.  The balls of string are not a sweater!  She has to use her sticks to make them become a sweater.  I guess this Stitch Fix thing is pieces in a kit to make-your-own clothes.  If The Lady doesn’t have time to help me write my blog post, I don’t know how she is going to have time to fix all the stitches so that she has clothes!  And if she tries to use her sweater sticks to fix her kit clothes, I think her clothes might end up with big holes in them.  And if her clothes end up with big holes in them, she’ll be REALLY grouchy!

But what do I know?  I’m just a (naked) little blue and orange furry monster!  Maybe after The Lady’s final week, we can go shopping…FOR ME!