Fit a T to Me!

One of my favorite things to do is to collect t-shirts.  I have one from every place that I have visited.  I have several that have been gifts from friends that know I love t-shirts.  T-shirts make a perfect souvenir and also the best gift, at least for this furry little blue and orange monster.  And they are also the perfect clothing.  

T-shirts make good play clothes and work clothes and work out clothes, not that I work out much.  Well, I don’t work much either.  But, if I did I would most certainly wear t-shirts for both.  T-shirts also make good pajamas.  They are soft and comfortable, just what this monster needs to stay sound asleep when The Lady is banging around getting ready for work in the middle of the night!  I think t-shirts make good fancy clothes too.  Mr. Guy and The Lady don’t agree with me on that.  Sometimes they try to make me wear what they call fancy clothes.  I just call them uncomfortable!

I have a lot of t-shirts because I have visited lots of different places and lots of friends have given me shirts.  Most of the time this a good thing.  The only time it is bad is on laundry day when I have to put all of my shirts on triangles and decorate my closet with them.  Yesterday Mr. Guy washed my shirts.  He left them in my room in a basket.  I like when they are in the basket.  I can reach them easily and it is easier to see the pictures on them than it is when they are like curtains in my closet.  For some reason though, Mr. Guy wanted me to put all of my clean shirts on the triangles and hang them in my closet.  This is not a fun thing to do!

And then, after I spend all this time decorating my closet with all of my cool t-shirts, Mr. Guy and The Lady say that I need to close my closet door.  I just don’t get it. Why do I have to put my shirts on triangles and then hide them behind closed closet doors?  Even curtains get to stay out in the open where everyone can see them!.  I like looking at all of my shirts.  Seeing them all makes me happy because they all bring back memories.  They are a pretty sea of blue in my basket.  I can pretend like  I am at the pool or the beach or something fun like that.  But nope.  Today I get to look at an empty basket that reminds me more of a desert instead.  

The good news is that I get to put my dirty shirts back in the desert basket.  So starting tonight, I can work on filling my basket pool again.  Something to look forward to!  

And then next week’s shirt washing day will come. 🙁