I Am Out of Hibernation!

I can’t believe that it has been so long since I have written.  I have been acting more like a bear that like a little blue and orange furry monster.  I haven’t felt much like being out and about lately.  All of the sudden, the world has seemed like a big and scary place.  I feel most safe when I am at home with Mr. Guy and The Lady, but sometimes they turn on the Tell-Me, or whatever that electric box thing with pictures is called, and it is full of all kinds of people telling me about kids being shot at school and policemen being killed, and food making people sick because it has vanilla salmon in it and the people running our country aren’t very nice or well-behaved.  It just doesn’t seem like a place I want to spend too much time.  I have been happy at home coloring and listening to music.  I like those things, but Mr. Guy and The Lady think it is time for me to stop hibernating like a bear and live like the happy little monster that I really am.  They said that they would protect me when we are away from home.  I believe them; they have always taken good care of me so I am going to enjoy going places again.

Mr. Guy and The Lady went to Atlanta last weekend.  I did not want to go.  When they got back, though, they told me that they had dinner with Ms. Debbie who has been a friend of The Lady’s for a long time, but they had not seen each other for lots of years.  The Lady told me that Ms. Debbie asked all about me.  When I heard that, I was sad that I had not gone.  I wish I had met The Lady’s friend.  The Lady told me not to worry,  I will have another chance to meet Ms. Debbie.  That made me smile!

I did make two trips in the last couple months with The Lady.  Mr. Guy did not go with us.  I think he likes hibernating like a bear too.  Maybe it’s a boy thing.  I went to a place called Mini-apples and Will-he-walk-here.  At least I think that’s where I went.  Those seem like funny names for places to go, especially since I didn’t see any apples and I don’t know who the “he” is that was supposed to be walking.  I sure hope it wasn’t supposed to be me.  I don’t walk; I’m always carried.  I do know that in both places I saw my friend Ms. Joni and it snowed.  The Lady said that those two things together were a coincidence.  Ms. Joni does not make it snow!

On both of these adventures, Ms. Joni carried me since Mr. Guy wasn’t there.  She seems happy to be with me and that makes me happy!  Ms. Joni even used a picture of the two of us in Mini-apples on her Christmas card!

Ms. Joni also monster-sat me while The Lady was at a meeting.  (That’s why we in Mini-apples.)  She is a fun monster-sitter.  Ms. Joni made me cookies and she let me have all that I wanted and I got to eat them in bed!

Oh, and Ms. Joni made me my orange sweater than I have on in our picture.  She really is a nice friend!

Ms. Joni lives in Will-he walk-here.  The Lady and I visited her at her house.  She showed us all the neat things to see and do in her city.  We rode the bus to see some great big domes that were filled with plants and flowers.  It was a very pretty place.  They even had orange and blue flowers!

I had fun looking at all of the pretty flowers, but it was a very cold trip.  I wanted to wear a t-shirt instead of my sweater when we left Texas.  That was not a good decision.  My sweater would have felt much better!  I was a cold little monster, especially when I went outside to play in the snow.  The Lady told me how to lay down in the snow and make an angel.  I don’t know if I made an angel, but I’m pretty sure I made a frozen monster!

Now I am back in Texas.

It is warm here in Texas now.  Today, Mr. Guy and The Lady took me to the park to play at the playground.  It felt good to be outside and to get some fresh air.  

All the people at the park were nice. Maybe if I don’t listen to the people on the Tell-Me box thing, I will be a happy monster and enjoy going places and meeting new people again.

It was so happy that Mr. Guy was with me and that The Lady took some new pictures of us.  We haven’t had our picture taken together in a long time!

Every May, The Lady helps me write a blog post every single day.  That is hard work for both of us, but we always have fun when we do it.  

Thank you for reading my blog.  I hope you will come back.  I am looking forward to lots more adventures this month.

Thank you for being my friend!

2 Replies to “I Am Out of Hibernation!”

  1. So good to hear you are out and about again, I look forward to hearing more of your adventures!

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