A Month of Me: Day 16 – T-Shirts


I learned something about The Lady today.  She likes t-shirts just like me!  Now that she doesn’t have to go to school everyday, she is wearing her t-shirts instead of her teacher clothes.  Mr. Guy wears t-shirts a lot too since he is retired and doesn’t have to go to school anymore.
I get a new t-shirt every time I visit someplace new.  I also have some that have been given to me by my friends.  And, I have a few that are for special days.  I don’t have one like The Lady’s, though.  Hers has her shopping list on it.  Coffee and cameras.  She and Mr. Guy always have coffee on their shopping list.  They drink A Lot of coffee!  The Lady putt cameras on the list because she really likes to take pictures.  
Today, The Lady was in the picture with me instead of taking the picture of just me.  I don’t think we have many pictures of the two of us together..  Usually Mr. Guy is in pictures with me.  The Lady likes it best that way.  She says that Mr. Guy and I are quite handsome and make her pictures look nice.  
I like seeing The Lady in pictures, but we need to find her a t-shirt with something other than a shopping list on it!