A Month of Me: Day 9 – Bubbles!

This afternoon when The Lady got home from school and before she had to leave again, Mr. Guy and The Lady took me outside to teach me how to blow bubbles.  I have watched Mr. Guy blow bubbles before, but I have never done it myself.  Mr. Guy gave me a great big bottle of funny smelling water and a stick with a big hole in the end.  He told me to stick dip the stick in the funny smelling water until the hole was filled in and then blow in the hole.  It all sounded easy enough.

But it wasn’t.

My big monster claws had a hard time holding the stick with the hole in it.

The water stuff was all drippy and made my fur feel sticky.

And, my mouth isn’t shaped right to blow in a little hole on a stick.

It took me a lot of tries to make this whole bubble blowing thing work.  

I was starting to become a very frustrated little blue and orange furry monster, but then I mde it work!
An I was a happy little monster.

Today was not a quiet happy like yesterday.