A Month of Me: Day 8 – A Quiet Happy

Today was a quiet day…well, for me.  Mr. Guy did not feel well because of his allergies.  He said that stuff from the plants got in his nose and made his head all clogged up.  Maybe that stuff from the plants in his nose was zucchini seeds and his head is all stuffed up because there are more zucchini growing in there.  Zucchini seem to grow everywhere!

This is The Lady’s last week of school so she is very busy giving exams and grading papers.  She did not have any time to help me write today.  I told her that she should just not give her students all of these tests and then she wouldn’t have to grade them.  I think her students would be happy too if they did not have to take them!

Anyway, with all of that, we just went for a short walk together when everyone got home.  I was a quiet happy little blue and orange furry monster!