A Month of Me: May 1 – It’s Me!

Wow!  It has been a long time since I have shared any of my adventures with my friends.  Well, the truth is, I haven’t had many adventures lately.  The Lady and Mr. Guy have been very busy with things and we have not  traveled anywhere near or far.  The Lady has been working hard at school and Mr. Guy spent most of the spring taking care of one of the other furry monsters at our house.  One of our dog monsters was old and sick.  Mr. Guy spent all day every day making sure that he was safe and comfortable.  Then it was sad at our house because the big black furry monster crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Mr. Guy and The Lady told me that even though we were all very sad, that losing furry monster family members and people that we love is a real part of life.  I asked if it was like when we lost The Captain.  Yep.  It was exactly like that.

Even though I haven’t been writing much, I have been thinking a lot, about all kinds of things.  I have used my crayons and written monster words on little pieces of paper so that I wouldn’t forget all of the things that I have been thinking about.  Since The Lady only has one more week of school, she promised me that we would get all of my thoughts out of my furry blue and orange head and off of all my little pieces of paper and make them into real words and sentences so that I can share them here on my blog.  I am excited about that!  I like thinking and writing, especially when Mr. Guy and The Lady help me!

You all know that The Lady likes to take pictures.  This month, she promised me that I will be in her pictures every single day!!  That is exciting!  I may need to get a new shirt or two if I am going to have my picture taken that many times.  And certainly if The Lady is going to take thirty-one pictures of me, I will get to go on some adventures somewhere!

I don’t know if any of you have missed me, but I can say with all of my monster heart that I have missed all of my friends.  I hope that you will follow me during my My Month of Me!