A Month of Me Day 30

Most of the time I like holidays when Mr. Guy and The Lady get to stay home.  I’m happy that we were all at home today, but the reason that we have the Memorial Day holiday is sad.

Tonight Mr. Guy built a fire in his fire bowl.  I liked all of the orange colors in the fire, but it was a little scary at first.  Those orange flames jumped way high and it got really hot.  I was afraid my fur might melt!  Mr. Guy said that everything would be fine and that my fur would not melt.  He is very careful when he makes the fires.

We sat outside on the patio and watched the sun set and the fire burn.  It was nice and relaxing.  Even the four-legged monsters seemed relaxed.

My Month of Me is almost over.  I only have one more day.  It sure has been fun writing something every single day.  I hope I can keep writing when it’s not the Month of Me anymore and becomes the month of June.