A Month of Me – Day 28

Tonight was another night that Mr. Guy and The lady weren’t home.  They went to hear some sinfully music.  That didn’t sound like a good idea to me.  Why would they want to listen to that kind of music?  I was a little worried about them, but I know that they will go to church tomorrow so they can repent for their evening of listening to sinfully music.

I stayed home and watched HGTV and ate patriotic candy that our friend Mr. Jim brought us from his trip to Philadelphia.  I’ve been to Philadelphia, but I didn’t get and red, white, and blue candy when I was there.  I was not watching sinfully TV or eating sinfully candy.  I was being a very good blue and orange furry monster!  I even kept The Lady and Mr. Guy’s spot on the bed warm while they were gone.

When The Lady and Mr. Guy got home, they seemed all happy.  They didn’t seem ashamed at all to have spent their evening corrupting their ears with sinfully music.  I asked them if they weren’t just a little bit remorseful (I learned that word in the dictionary the other day.) for how they had spent their evening.  They looked at me strangely, like all of the sudden I had turned pink and had no horns.  The Lady asked me what I was talking about.  I told her that I thought she should be sorry for leaving me at home with the other furry monsters at home all night and going out to listen to sinfully music.  She started laughing at me and said, “Symphony!  Not sinfully.”  

Oh!  I was so relieved!   I will sleep much better tonight.